An automated deployment tool for openstack.
####Support Platforms: CentOS 7
####Feature Description: Support one controller and multi-computer deployment; Interacting with user to prepare all openstack nodes' env; Once prepared, the whole deployment process doesn't need human intervention. Besides keystone, nova and glance, cinder, neutron, heat, ceilometer are all supported.
** On every openstack node **
$git clone
$cd eayunstack-setup
$python install
** answer all questions asked, then it's done **
####Procedure Review:
[ INFO ] Stage: Initializing
You have built eayunstack, do you want to reuse the same configuration (yes, no) [no]: no
[ INFO ] Stage: role configuration
Which role do you want to configure this host as? (controller, network, computer) [controller]:
[ INFO ] Stage: network configuration
[ INFO ] Stage: there are 3 nics on this host: ['eth0', 'eth1', 'eth2']
which nic do you want to use as management interface: ['eth0', 'eth1', 'eth2'] [eth0]:
Do you want this setup to configure the management network? (Yes, No) [Yes]: no
which nic do you want to use as tunnel interface: ['eth0', 'eth1', 'eth2'] [eth1]:
Do you want this setup to configure the tunnel network? (Yes, No) [Yes]: no
which nic do you want to use as external interface: ['eth0', 'eth1', 'eth2'] [eth2]:
[ INFO ] Stage: ntp server configuration
Do you have some local ntp servers to use(yes, no) [yes]: no
[ INFO ] Stage: hostname configuration
Do you want to set the hostname(yes, no) [yes]: no
[ INFO ] Stage: openstack configuration
The password to use for keystone admin user:
Confirm admin password:
IP adresses of compute hosts(seperated by ',', eg ','):
[ WARNIN] No cinder volume group(cinder-volumes) found
Do you want to create cinder volume group now(yes, no) [yes]:
Please input the name of the device you want to use for cinder: /dev/sdb
[ INFO ] Stage: Setup validation
Role : controller
Management network : eth0
Tunnel network : eth1
External network : eth2
cinder device : /dev/sdb
compute hosts :
Please confirm installation settings (OK, Cancel) [OK]:
[ INFO ] Stage: Transaction setup
[ INFO ] Disabling NetworkManager service
[ INFO ] Write network config file
[ INFO ] Restart network service
[ INFO ] Starting openstack deployment
Welcome to Installer setup utility