Releases: eBayClassifiedsGroup/update-ts-references
Support different configuration files for different usecases
3.3.0 feat: support different configuration files for different usecases (#39)
Create path mappings under compilerOptions for non-ts packages
Path mappings for packages without tsconfig will be added to the root tsconfig to leverage your IDE resolution support more (during your migration phase). Please also note that with that release the --check
option also respects compilerOptions.paths
differences but only in combination with --createPathMappings
Create path mappings under compilerOptions
It's now also possible to write path mappings under compilerOptions. This is beneficial in combination with your IDE to resolve usages better.
introduced --rootConfigName
You can now configure separately a different name for the tsconfig in the root directory. This is kinda a breaking change because --configName
was used before also for the tsconfig in the root. In order to archive the same behaviour you would need to adjust the cmd-line from something like
npx update-ts-references --configName
npx update-ts-references --configName --rootConfigName
Introduce update-ts-references.yaml
You can configure paths via the update-ts-references.yaml file. This is useful if your repo is having no package.json or pnp-workspace.yaml in the root folder. Additional to that it can also being used to extend the paths config next to the normal workspace setup via npm, pnpm, yarn and lerna so you can include or exclude some packages.
Create TS config files for packages
This new feature should help to setup project references in your repository by adding TS config files to your packages. For more please have a look on the
Comments in TS-Configurations will be preserved now
We could happily removed the flag --discardComments
Official support of npm workspaces (available since v7)
2.5.0 feat: official support of npm workspaces (available since v7)
Unofficial support for node.js v8
We now support unofficially node.js v8 for a some time, but we encourage everyone that is still using older versions to switch to the last supported LTS version of node.js. See more ->
Important Note: Please be aware that this might break in future without any notice or reflected via the package json