Current developing branch is "dev2"
CnnVis focuses on visualizing the training process of convolutional neural network
We recommend you read about the basic building blocks that assemble a CnnVis application:
- MongoDB
- Express
- AngularJS 1.x (in the future, we are considering to use angular 2.x)
- Node.js
- Typescript
- Git
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Bower
$ npm install typescript, typings, gulp, node-gyp
$ npm install
Run your application using gulp:
$ gulp
It will compile the source codes in ./src to the ./build folder in the project directory.
check your installed packages with command: npm list -g --depth=0
The folder structure is quite self-explanatory.
The src folder contains all the source code written in typescript. It contains ..
The build folder is where the .ts files are compiled (to .js) and stored.
The public folder contains all the static files you use in your application, this is where you store your front-end files.
- dist the distribution folder is where your application compressed CSS and Javascript assets.
- assets website theme assets
- lib bower installed components
- server.js the main file (entry) of our application, where you initialize (start) the node.js application.
- bower.json bower definition file, where you configure the front-end components you want to use.
- gulpfile.js gulp definition file, where you define your gulp tasks.
- package.json npm definition file, where you configure the backend modules you want to use.
- tslint.json
- typings.json
- tsconfig.json
Hidden Configuration Files
- .bowerrc bower configuration file, you use it to tell bower where to install your application components.
- .csslintrc csslint configuration file, you use it to configure csslint special properties
- .gitignore git ignore file, you use it to tell git what ignore in next commits
Classes: CClassName Interfaces: IInterfaceName Methods: MyMethod Data members: m_data Private data members: m_data_ Static data members: s_ Variables: myVar Global variables: g_globalVar Constants, Enumerations: AA_BB_CC
Change MAXSIZE in node_modules/bson/bson.js, if you find out of buffer bound error when you run bson.serialize() Change namespace d3 to d4 in node_modules/@types/d3/index.d.ts, also do so in the file /public/lib/d3/d3.js(d3.min.js)