Security-focused collection of UEFI links I personally found useful. awesome-firmware-security is a more general collection and may be more useful to you.
- Chipsec - Framework and tooling for doing runtime analysis of a lot more than UEFI.
- Jethro Beekman's Lenovo HDD Password series - Beginner-accessible walkthrough on reversing a UEFI-implemented disk encryption mechanism.
- Copernicus - 2015tweet - MITRE's project for monitoring UEFI on Windows. Closed-source.
- via Chipsec on Windows - asdf link the windows setup here too
- via Chipsec on Linux - spi dump rom.bin
- via flashrom on linux
- UEFITool, UEFIExtract, UEFIFind - Cross-plat tooling for inspecting firmware images.
- ida scripts here
- uefi-firmware-parser - Python library, parses firmware images.
- MMTOOL - American Megatrends' proprietary BIOS image modification tool (aptio4).
- UBU - useful for replacing binaries in a UEFI BIOS image, wraps MMTOOL. should be obsoleted by uefitool I think, todo