- In systems preference go to keyboard.
- Click on the bottom right "modifier keys"
- Change capslock to be control.
Keyboard > Shortctus > Input Sources
- Install PasteNow
Turn on tap to click on trackpad settings
Change iCloud settings to use Desktop and Documents folder. So cloud documents and desktop is not seperate from device documents and desktop.
- Go to keyboard shortcuts and make sure CTR - [1-9] shortcuts are enabled for moving between spaces.
- Go to mission controll (settings > Desktop and dock ) and turn off automatticial re-arrange spaces by recent use.
- Go to accesability > display and turn off reduce motion (this will remove the slideshow effect when switching spaces).
[brew](brew) install git
sudo mv /usr/bin/git /usr/bin/git-apple
Now, reload the terminal for the profile to load the correct git location and confirm by running which git
brew install diffmerge
git config --global merge.tool diffmerge
brew install zsh vim neovim starship zoxide fzf ctags svn fnm ripgrep tree-sitter ack php
brew install tree bat lsd
brew install orbstack
brew install --cask db-browser-for-sqlite
brew install figlet xh
brew install zsh-history-substring-search
brew install gh
Compile NNN from source with nerd font enabled and move it an executable path. Install NNN plugins: https://github.com/jarun/nnn/tree/master/plugins#configuration
brew install --cask font-hack-nerd-font
brew install font-sf-pro
brew install --cask sf-symbols
*brew tap FelixKratz/formulae
*brew install yabai skhd sketchybar
On your work device, setup meeting bar to help you move through the day knowing what's current and what's next.
brew install gnupg Follow instruction for installing RVM: rvm/rvm#5261 (comment) If above doesn't work go to RVM
- Install the app Import config in the app: .RectangleConfig
- Setup apple calender accounts
- Instal or raycast :
brew install --cask raycast
How to use
Clone into $HOME/dotfiles and CD into it
git clone [email protected]:dwainm/dotfiles.git && cd dotfiles
Rename .git to .myconf
mv .git .myconf
Mv all from dotfiles to $HOME
cd ~ && mv dotfiles/.* .
Add aliases:
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.myconf/ --work-tree=$HOME'
now you can manage your dotfiles with config(git alias) command.
Set brew ZSH as you shell:
sudo sh -c "echo $(which zsh) >> /etc/shells"
chsh -s $(which zsh)
Makes sur zpresto is loaded below. The plugins should all work.
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-jetbrains-mono-nerd-font
Setup Zshell Presto:
Remember Prezto overrides ~/zshrc and symlink it into the prezto one.
rm -rf ~/.zprezto && git clone --recursive https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto.git "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}"/.zprezto
- Add back alias as we removed it:
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.myconf/ --work-tree=$HOME'
- Make sure we do not overwrite the save zshrc file with all important functions and aliases:
config checkout -- .zprezto/runcoms/zshrc
brew install --cask kitty brew install hammerspoon --cask
Generate your configuration files (copy/paste this as one command):
for rcfile in "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}"/.zprezto/runcoms/^README.md(.N); do
ln -s "$rcfile" "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.${rcfile:t}"
chsh -s $(which zsh)
Set up GNU sed:
with brew install gnu-sed
Set up path
Check: echo $PATH
Make sure your paths are configured so that home brew ( /usr/local/bin
is before /bin
and /usr/bin/
We already have FNM so if needed we can just use that. https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm
brew install composer
--- old way below
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/composer.phar
- Install packer: https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim
- Run packer install inside vim: :PackerInstall
Open vim and run :PlugInstall
Create symlink to vim wiki icloud storage:
ln -s /Users/dwain/Documents/vimwiki /Users/dwain/vimwiki
brew install tmux
git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
brew install tmuxinator
Open tmux and then: I to install plugins.
Setup todoist by building it from your fork: https://github.com/dwainm/todoist
git clone [email protected]:dwainm/todoist.git
cd todoist
Go install
Go build
Go release
mv ./todoist_darwin_amd64 /usr/local/bin/todoist