It's set of macroses for take and transform function name in current function.
%% ?ERL_FUN_ATOM - return current function name as atom
%% ?ERL_FUN_BINARY - return current function name as binary
%% ?ERL_FUN_STRING - return current function name as string
%% ?GET_BY_NAME - short version for proplists
%% ?SET - short version for proplits
%% example:
some_function() ->
AtomFunctionName = ?ERL_FUN_ATOM,
%% Usage example:
Args = [{<<"get_some_field">>, <<"exmaple value">>}].
get_some_field() ->
proplists:get_value(?ERL_FUN_BINARY, Args).
%% or the same
get_some_field() ->
%% <<"exmaple value">> will out