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一个简单的爬虫框架。 详细文档
pip install sspider
You should construst project.py to suit your needs
>>> from sspider import Spider, Request
>>> # 建立request对象
>>> request = Request('get', 'https://movie.douban.com/subject/27202819/reviews')
>>> # 建立爬虫对象
>>> spider = Spider()
>>> # 运行爬虫
>>> spider.run(request)
>>> # 保存爬取结果
>>> spider.write('test.txt)
python project.py
Ctrl-C to stop
- Using requests as htmlDownloader
- Using lxml as default htmlParser
- Using csv provide feature that export file as csv type
- Using xlwt provide feature that export file as excel type
- Using xlsxwriter provide feature that export file as xexcel type
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若您需要将本项目应用于商业目的,请单独联系本人( @pengr ),获取商业授权。