Warning: If you want to give these dotfiles a try, you should first fork this repository, review the code, and change things according to your own taste. Use at your own risk!
If ~/.gitconfig.local
exists, it will be included at the end of .gitconfig
. You can use this to set personal and/or sensitive information such as your git
user credentials.
name = Your Name
email = [email protected]
signingkey = APGPKEY
gpgsign = true
Suggestions/improvements welcome!
Inspiration and code was taken from many different sources:
- GitHub ❤ ~/
- Mathias Bynens' dotfiles
- Kevin Deldycke's dotfiles
- Nick Plekhanov's dotfiles
- Dotbot by Anish Athalye
- mrzool's Sensible Bash
The code is available under the MIT license.
For convenience some third party assets are hard-copied in place. These items have their own license and copyright:
- Dracula for fish. Copyright (c) 2018 Dracula Theme. MIT License
- Dracula for iTerm. Copyright (c) 2013-present Dracula Theme. MIT License
- Dracula for Terminal.app. Copyright (c) 2016 Dracula Theme. MIT License