##documentingHate cvs json parser
This project attempts to sanatize the data from GoogleTrends Documenting Hate project to produce a json file with 'good rows' grouped by state
The first thing I did was removed the summary column which was littered with commas.
Next I normalized the state column to only show state abbreviations.
Next I sentence-cased all city columns.
And I attempt to remove some records that do not have a city/state field, or a poorly formed state field, which on some rows included an address.
I put these rows in another object and grouped the 'good rows' by state.
Finally I created a basic count of every occurance reported organized by state.
node index.js 20170816_Documenting_Hate_No_Descript
-Outputs the object grouped by cities.
Please use for good and generally non commercial purposes. Thank you.
####Ronaldo Barbachano 2017