This bundle loads web component polyfills on to the page, adds CSS class 'wc-polyfilled' to the html element and returns promise. Refer the demo folder for demo WC element.
Note: you need to trigger initiating polyfills by calling baseuiWcPolyfills.ready()
otherwise dependencies just load but never get patched.
Refer below examples.
npm install baseui-wc-polyfills
Since it is a UMD package can be imported as ES6, CJS, AMD.
import baseuiWcPolyfills from 'baseui-wc-polyfills';
const baseuiWcPolyfills = require('baseui-wc-polyfills');
require(['baseui-wc-polyfills'], function (baseuiWcPolyfills) {});
<script src=""></script>
optionally you can pass config object to choose, whether some of the polyfills needs to be patched or not, by default all set to true.
Available options:
{ builtInClassShim = false, wcPlatform: false, shadowDOM: false, customElements: false }
To get what polyfills loaded you can check the return value from promise object like below.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', pageReady);
async function pageReady() {
const polyfilled = await baseuiWcPolyfills.ready({ shadowDOM: false });
.catch((reason) => console.error(`Failed due to ${reason}`));
- Node v6+
- Yarn (optional)
To run local dev server (http://localhost:1818/demo/)
npm start
- Install dependencies
- Clean build folder
- lint JS files
- starts webpack dev server
- auto update browser window/tab using Hot Module Replacement (HMR)
npm run release
npm test