Docker replica of Acquia hosting environment - matches OS, Apache, MariaDB, PHP and extension versions and PHP configs
Copy docker-compose.yml to your project export/edit the TAG/VERSION variables to your preference and run docker-compose up
This uses the script and getconfig.php helper to determine target configuration for a specified host.
If you need to include a new PHP version, add it to the list of SUPPORTED_PHP in getconfig/
and also add it to the list of versions being tested in the Jenkinsfile.
To execute, run:
curl -Lso getconfig/getconfig.php
export [email protected]
- Once complete you can review the config differences and try building each Dockerfile.
- The Dockerfile build process includes a test (in the last 3 lines of the main RUN compliation step) to verify that the extensions and resulting PHP config match what is expected - if there are differences the build will output a diff showing the fail.
- In this case you will need to update the Dockerfile to incorporate new/altered extension versions into the process, together with any new package dependencies.