The Gamma Engine Library is a heavy game engine, providing every functions to create a complete game without any other external library. It will be multi-threaded by design, and only working with latest rendering technologies (except for GL ES 2.0 which is getting old, but many mobile devices are still using it).
Current status : far away from release
To compile GammaEngine, you will need the following dependancies :
- CMake
- libjpeg
- libpng
- libfreetype
mingw32-w64 is also required to build GE on win32 OS.
Pre-compiled binaries are also available here :
Full documentation is available here :
Here is the minimal source code to show a window using GammaEngine
#include <gammaengine/Instance.h>
#include <gammaengine/Window.h>
#include <gammaengine/Input.h>
using namespace GE;
int main( int ac, char** av )
Instance* instance = Instance::Create( "GammaEngine application", 1 );
Window* window = instance->CreateWindow( "Hello GammaEngine !", 1280, 720, Window::Resizable );
while ( 1 ) {
window->Clear( 0xFF202020 );
delete window;
delete instance;
return 0;
You can compile it using g++ -std=c++11 filename_you_choose.cpp -lgammaengine
Advanced samples can be found in the documentation (