Alex is a program to help running experiments on associative learning. Rather than writing an experiment program, you write a bunch a configuration files that describe the experiment. Alex reads these files and, if everything goes well, runs the experiment and collects data. An is provided with the distribution.
Alex is written using PEBL (Psychology Experiment Building Language), which you can find at We are indebted to Shane Muller, PEBL's creator and maintainer, for making alex possible.
Alex is tested on most extensively on Linux, but Windows and OS X are also tested from time to time.
Alex can display squares, circles, text, and arbitrary images, and play sound files. All of these can serve as conditioned stimuli (CSs) or as unconditioned stimuli (USs), or, in other terms, as cues and outcomes. Multiple CSs and USs can be presented at the same time and CSs can be composed of arbitrary sequences or compounds of simpler stimuli. Please refer to the manual for a full description of Alex's capabilities.
Please send bug reports, suggestions for improvement, patches, etc., to Stefano Ghirlanda, [email protected].