In this repository we provide some code for solving Modular Subset Product Problem.
We apply this problem to find Carmichael numbers by using Erdos algorithm (which uses MSPP), see section 3 of paper. Published as:
K. A. Draziotis, V. Martidis and S. Tiganourias, Product Subset Problem : Applications to number theory and cryptography, Book Chapter, Analysis, Cryptography and Information Science, Chapter 5, Vol. 10, World Scientific, 2023.
Applications of MSPP to cryptography see here
We provide Sagemath code, which we used to build all the (small instances) tables.
We also provide c++ single and multi core variants. Using the single core case we managed to produce a Carmichael number with 19589 prime factors in a I5/16Gb Linux PC in three hours.
We provide tables for Carmichael numbers in directory Tables.
For instance,
5-80.txt contains Carmichael numbers with 5 to 80 prime factors.
2542.txt contains a Carmichael number with 2542 prime factors.
You can download the source code with the tables by using
git clone
First fork this repository. Make the changes you want (e.g. update some tables, correct a bug to the code etc)