- Install script will backup your
files and folders to~/dotfiles_backup_<timestamp>/
folder and installs my settings. I did this to install my environment but you can use also if you want >.< - I only did this on macos I don't know if it is compatible with other OS's, but it should be compatible with linux I guess but I didn't tested it.
- My cli based todo app being used in zshrc file. Either install it or remove that part from zshrc.
- I tried to keep my vim configuration minimal as possible, instead of third party plugin managers like Vundle or vim-plug I used Vim's native solution. I also created a script to update vim plugins feel free to check it out.
- FZF plugin has some dependencies to install them run
brew install fzf bat ripgrep the_silver_searcher perl universal-ctags
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dorukozerr/dotfiles/main/install.sh | bash
- Run
:helptags ALL
to sync vim help command with installed plugins and extensions.
- Leader key is remapped to space.
Keys | Description | Mode |
ctrl j | Open coc autocomplete suggestions | i |
ctrl k ctrl i | Coc do hover | ì |
j k | Exit insert mode | i |
ctrl k ctrl i | Coc do hover | n |
g d | Coc open definition in split | n |
g t | Coc open type definition in split | n |
ctrl f | Scroll down on coc floating window | n |
ctrl b | Scroll up on coc floating window | n |
ctrl f | Scroll down on coc floating window | i |
ctrl b | Scroll up on coc floating window | i |
ctrl f | Scroll down on coc floating window | v |
ctrl b | Scroll up on coc floating window | v |
leader t | Open Netrw | n |
leader p | Fzf file search | n |
leader f | Fzf grep search | n |
leader b n | Go to next buffer (buffer next) | n |
leader b p | Go to prev buffer (buffer prev) | n |
leader b c | Close all buffers except active one | n |
leader i p w | Increase pane width | n |
leader d p w | Decrease pane width | n |
leader i p h | Increase pane height | n |
leader d p h | Decrease pane height | n |
leader s | Save buffer | n |
A soft, pastel color scheme named after my cat, featuring gentle pinks and greens.