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Single bridge vs multiple bridges

Oscar Guindzberg edited this page Sep 1, 2018 · 3 revisions

In the context of a "collateralized" bridge, the system must ensure at all times the eth collateral deposited by operators covers the locked doges. The main problem with that is the eth/doge price varies.

We carefully evaluated several solutions for that problem a couple of months ago before starting the implementation.

The multiple bridge solution seemed tempting at first, but then we found issues that are showstoppers:

  • No fungibility between Doge Tokens:
    • 1 doge token on brige A would be backed by 0.01 eth, while 1 doge token on brige B would be backed by 0.1 eth.
    • That means the first doge token is worth less than the second.
  • Exchanges would need to list 5 or 10 different doge tokens (one per bridge).
    • Users would have to recognize 5 different doge token icons, and 5 different token symbols (DOG1, DOG2, etc)
  • Users would not be able to use Metamask, myethewallet/mycrypto, trezor, or Mist to store Doge tokens.
    • Existing wallets wouldn't be useful for storing doge tokens.
    • Only a yet-not-implemented server-side hot wallet that is connected 24x7 would work for users. The wallet has to be always online to unlock tokens from bridge A and lock them back to bridge B if price varies.
  • It would be impractical to use Doge tokens in smart contracts.
    • The multi bridge solution requires users to be able to quickly unlock doge tokens if price changes. On many smart contracts, tokens can't be withdrawn quickly by design.
  • A 5x or 10x overcollateralization is required most of the time
    • That discourages rational operators from participating in the system.
    • If Bridge A has collateral that covers up to an eth/doge price of 10, and bridge B has collateral that covers up to an eth/doge price of 100, when the price is 10.00000001, a 100 eth/doge collateral is required.
  • Doge Token holders would not be able to directly send doge tokens from one bridge to another.
    • To send doge tokens from one bridge to the other users should unlock tokens from one bridge, get real doges and then lock them back to the other bridge: that takes a lot of time and cost fees.
  • Truebit and bulletproofs are not implemented as of July 2018.

We decided to implement a "single bridge" solution:

  • There is just 1 bridge.
  • There is an oracle for eth/doge price.
    • Makerdao/dai (The most important live project in the ecosystem that uses a collateralized solution) uses an oracle system to solve the price variation problem too.
  • If the eth/doge price moves, the collateral/locked doge ratio is stabilized in any of the following ways:
    • If variation is small, nothing needs to happen, the system is overcollateralized to deal with small movements of the price.
    • If the variation is big, some users would probably decide to be safe and voluntarily request an unlock of their doges.
    • Operators might mark themselves as "I want to reduce my collateral". Then, they would be given priority for unlock requests.
    • Operators might buy Doge Tokens on the market and ask the system to unlock them using themselves as operator.
    • Operators might add more eth deposit.
    • New operators might come in and add eth deposit.
    • As a last resource, the eth collateral is confiscated from operators that did not react when they should and given to doge token holders.
    • In no case a "sufficiently high DOGE price spike could ruin any (honest) Operator". Worst case scenario, they still have the locked doges.

As you can see this approach has some cons too: Using an oracle is adding a potential attack vector to the system. Forcing operators to react to price changes is a drawback. But those are minor issues compared to the problems of the "multiple bridge solution".

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