Accept Dogecoin Payments using Gigawallet backend service without the need of any third party payment processor, banks, extra fees. Your Store, your wallet, your Doge.
## How to Install 💻
1- Download and extract the Gateway
2- Upload all files to your Wordpress/Woocommerece online store on the folder wp-content\plugins\
3- Now navigate into your Wordpress Backoffice and go to Plugins
and click on Activate
4- Navigate to Woocommerce
and Activate the Easy GigaWallet Dogecoin Gateway
and click on Manage
to set up your Gigawallet Server, Dogecoin Payout Address and instructions
enjoy your sells in Dogecoin with auto convert Fiat prices into Doge :P
**Note: You must have installed and running:
- your own GigaWallet service:
- latest version of Wordpress CMS and Woocommerce plugin: