A collection of icons in the public domain. See all the icons at the project's website.
This project, including the website, are released into the public domain.
- Design the icons to be paired with a heavy sans-serif typeface. Eventually I want to produce the icon set in other weights
- The icons should be blocked
- Avoid outlines and thin lines
- Ensure the new icon matches the existing icons. Imagine the icon set as if it were a typeface.
- Icons should be readable at 16x16
- Make its shapes as simple as neccessary
- Try and ensure the icons have an even weight
- Prefer hard corners to soft
- Prioritize icon comprehension over beauty
- Don't put text in the icon
- Don't incorporate anything not in the public domain into your icon
- Outline all strokes before submitting
- Ensure all icons are properly transparent. Fill:white is not transparent
- By convention make icon artboards 120x120
- Center icons inside artboard
To set up the site locally run npm install
then node build.js
then serve the contents of /public
using python -m SimpleHTTPServer
use some css to make it easy to set numbers inside shapes like this: http://typographica.org/typeface-reviews/ceremony/
- pen
- chart
- user silhouette
- player controls
- paper clip
- warning
- crosshair
- flag
- hand
- battery
- fire
- hammer
- spade
- coat hanger
https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=site%3Athenounproject.com%20%22This%20icon%20is%20licensed%20as%20Public%20Domain%22 http://www.aiga.org/symbol-signs/
http://www.flaticon.com/ http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/ https://useiconic.com/open#icons http://pictos.cc/classic/one/ https://icomoon.io/app/#/select https://dribbble.com/shots/879287-Beer-Icons?list=searches&tag=noun_project&offset=18 http://glyphicons.com/