Docker image based on the NVIDIA hpc-benchmarks image with EFA support.
make build
# Run all singlehost selftests
make check
# Run individual selftests
make check-nvlink
make check-efa
# Run 20 iterations of xhpl-mxp, each iter takes ~4min, total runtime expected ~1.5hours
time docker run --pull=never --rm --privileged --gpus all --shm-size=1g \
-v $(pwd):/host \ \
mpirun --bind-to none --timeout 6000 -np 8 \
/host/utils/ \
--nb 2048 --nprow 2 --npcol 4 --nporder row \
--n 380000
## import as squashfs image, will be saved to /fsx/app/hpc-benchmarks+24.09-efa-1.12.1-aws.sqsh
make enroot-img EXPORT_PATH=/fsx/app
## run a job
srun --mpi=pmi2 \
-N 2 --ntasks-per-node 8 \
--container-image=/fsx/app/hpc-benchmarks+24.09-efa-1.12.1-aws.sqsh \
./ --dat hpl-linux-x86_64/sample-dat/HPL-dgx-2N.dat
If SLURM or other cluster aware runtime is not available it is possible to run multihosts tests with docker like container runtime. Preconditions: docker, openmpi and passwordless ssh access.
# build container images
make build tar-img
# Deploy container to all hostsfile default MPI_HOSTFILE=~/.ssh/mpi_hosts.txt
make mpi-deploy-img
# On each node we start container with sshd, see [examples/docker/]
make mpi-ssh-container-create
# Run xhpl test via docker exec on 16 nodes.
./examples/docker/mpirun.docker \
-bind-to none \
-hostfile /root/.ssh/mpi_hosts.txt \
-N 8 -np 128 \
./ --dat hpl-linux-x86_64/sample-dat/HPL-dgx-16N.dat