scripts for the installation of Kubernetes Master Node, Worker Node, Kubernetes Kind and Minikube on CentOS/ Ubuntu operating system. These scripts simplify the process of setting up a Kubernetes cluster and make it easy for developers to get started with Kubernetes.
Download or just Copy-paste scripts from repository and use
Use another script written below: just Copy- paste to CentOS / Ubuntu & follow Instructions. It'll list all available scripts, select the script you want to install and that's it.
sit tight and wait for Successful Installation.
#This script collects all scripts on Github repository and provide option to Install on CentOS/ Ubuntu
sudo su
cat <<EOF >
# Define the Github repository
# check the OS
if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then
# code for CentOS
echo "Running on CentOS"
# Check if git is installed, if not install it
if ! [ -x "\$(command -v git)" ]; then
yum install git -y
#install dependencies
yum install -y epel-release
elif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then
# code for Ubuntu
echo "Running on Ubuntu"
# Check if git is installed, if not install it
if ! [ -x "\$(command -v git)" ]; then
apt-get install git -y
# code for other OS
echo "Not a supported OS"
# Clone the Github repository
git clone \$repo
# Go to the repository directory
cd k8-install-script
# List all the script files in the repository
echo "Please choose which script you want to install:"
ls -1 | grep -E '*.sh'
read -p "Enter the script name: " script_name
chmod +x \$script_name
chmod +x