Bootstrap Tags Input is a jQuery plugin providing a Twitter Bootstrap user interface for managing tags. I have made a small feature addition in order to use object value/text with free input. This makes each freeinput tag addition attempt with a new event beforeFreeInputItemAdd
- beforeFreeInputItemAdd event
- When itemValue is set, freeInput can still be used
var myTags = []
var tagToken = new Bloodhound({
datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('value'),
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
local: [{'text': 'Choice1', 'value': 1}, {'text': 'Choice2', 'value': 2}, {'text': 'Choice3', 'value': 3}]
options = {
itemValue: 'value',
itemText: 'text',
trimValue: true,
freeInput: true,
typeaheadjs: {
hint: true,
highlight: true,
name: 'myinput',
displayKey: 'text',
source: tagToken.ttAdapter(),
$('#myinput').on('beforeFreeInputItemAdd', function(event) {
//event.item is the freeinput text
// we should convert that into acceptable item
// and change "cancel" to false that is default behaviour
$.newTagIds_forThisElement==undefined ? $.newTagIds_forThisElement = [1000] : ""; // I would like my new addition tags start with index 1001
lastId = $.newTagIds_forThisElement.pop();
event.item = {'text': event.item, 'value': lastId+1};
event.cancel = false;
- Already imported tag list and new free input may collide because of new IDs