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    Win32::GuiTest - Perl GUI Test Utilities.

      use Win32::GuiTest qw(FindWindowLike GetWindowText 
        SetForegroundWindow SendKeys);

      $Win32::GuiTest::debug = 0; # Set to "1" to enable verbose mode

      my @windows = FindWindowLike(0, "^Microsoft Excel", "^XLMAIN\$");
      for (@windows) {
          print "$_>\t'", GetWindowText($_), "'\n";

        // This batch file comes with MS Visual Studio.  Running
        // it first might help with various compilation problems.

        nmake test
        nmake install

        See more details in the DEVELOPMENT section elswhere in this document.

    You can get the most recent release from
    <>. The package will
    contain Win32-GuiTest.ppd file and Win32-GuiTest.tar.gz file, which is
    all that you need to use ppm. If you put those 2 files in C:\TEMP
    directory, the installation should look as follows. Enter PPM (Perl
    Package Manager) from the command-line and type commands as below

        PPM interactive shell (2.0) - type 'help' for available commands.
        PPM> install C:\temp\win32-guitest.ppd
        Install package 'C:\temp\win32-guitest.ppd?' (y/N): Y
        Retrieving package 'C:\temp\win32-guitest.ppd'...
        Writing C:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Win32\GuiTest\.packlist

    I extracted them to 'c:\temp', please use the directory where you
    extracted the files instead.

    Most GUI test scripts I have seen/written for Win32 use some variant of
    Visual Basic (e.g. MS-VB or MS-Visual Test). The main reason is the
    availability of the SendKeys function.

    A nice way to drive Win32 programs from a test script is to use OLE
    Automation (ActiveX Scripting), but not all Win32 programs support this
    interface. That is where SendKeys comes handy.

    Some time ago Al Williams published a Delphi version in Dr. Dobb's
    ( I ported it to C
    and packaged it using h2xs...

    The tentative name for this module is Win32::GuiTest (mostly because I
    plan to include more GUI testing functions).

    I've created a Yahoo Group for the module that you can join at

    Also, an initial version of a script recording application has been
    written to use with this module. A copy of it may be found with this
    distribution (Recorder\Win32GuiTest.exe) or can be obtained at

    If the documentation of these functions is not satisfactory, you can try
    running a search on using the name of the
    function. Some of these functions are described there.

    This distribution of the module - the one you are looking at now - has
    its own CVS repository at
    Patches to both the code and the documentation are welcome.

        When set enables the verbose mode.

        Sends keystrokes to the active window as if typed at the keyboard
        using the optional delay between key-up and key-down messages
        (default is 25 ms and should be OK for most uses).

        The keystrokes to send are specified in KEYS. There are several
        characters that have special meaning. This allows sending control
        codes and modifiers:

                ~ means ENTER
                + means SHIFT 
                ^ means CTRL 
                % means ALT

        The parens allow character grouping. You may group several
        characters, so that a specific keyboard modifier applies to all of
        them. Groups can be enclosed in groups.

        E.g. SendKeys("ABC") is equivalent to SendKeys("+(abc)")

        The curly braces are used to quote special characters
        (SendKeys("{+}{{}") sends a '+' and a '{'). You can also use them to
        specify certain named actions:

                Name          Action

                {BACKSPACE}   Backspace
                {BS}          Backspace
                {BKSP}        Backspace
                {BREAK}       Break
                {CAPS}        Caps Lock
                {DELETE}      Delete
                {DOWN}        Down arrow
                {END}         End
                {ENTER}       Enter (same as ~)
                {ESCAPE}      Escape
                {HELP}        Help key
                {HOME}        Home
                {INSERT}      Insert
                {LEFT}        Left arrow
                {NUMLOCK}     Num lock
                {PGDN}        Page down
                {PGUP}        Page up
                {PRTSCR}      Print screen
                {RIGHT}       Right arrow
                {SCROLL}      Scroll lock
                {TAB}         Tab
                {UP}          Up arrow
                {PAUSE}       Pause
                {F1}          Function Key 1
                ...           ...
                {F24}         Function Key 24
                {SPC}         Spacebar
                {SPACE}       Spacebar
                {SPACEBAR}    Spacebar
                {LWI}         Left Windows Key
                {RWI}         Right Windows Key 
                {APP}         Open Context Menu Key

        or supply a number that will be treated as a VK code. Note that a
        single-digit number will be treated as a character, so prepend these
        with '0'.

        All these named actions take an optional integer argument, like in
        {RIGHT 5}. For all of them, except PAUSE, the argument means a
        repeat count. For PAUSE it means the number of milliseconds SendKeys
        should pause before proceding.

        In this implementation, SendKeys always returns after sending the
        keystrokes. There is no way to tell if an application has processed
        those keys when the function returns.

        Unicode characters in $keys are translated into set of ALT+NUMPAD
        keystrokes. Note that not all applications can understand unicode

        This function emulates mouse input. The COMMAND parameter is a
        string containing one or more of the following substrings:

                {LEFTDOWN}    left button down
                {LEFTUP}      left button up
                {MIDDLEDOWN}  middle button down
                {MIDDLEUP}    middle button up
                {RIGHTDOWN}   right button down
                {RIGHTUP}     right button up
                {LEFTCLICK}   left button single click
                {MIDDLECLICK} middle button single click
                {RIGHTCLICK}  right button single click
                {ABSx,y}      move to absolute coordinate ( x, y )
                {RELx,y}      move to relative coordinate ( x, y )

        Note: Absolute mouse coordinates range from 0 to 65535. Relative
        coordinates can be positive or negative. If you need pixel
        coordinates you can use MouseMoveAbsPix.

        Also equivalent low-level functions are available:


        Move the mouse cursor to the screen pixel indicated as parameter.

          # Moves to x=200, y=100 in pixel coordinates.
          MouseMoveAbsPix(200, 100);

          Positive or negative value to direct mouse wheel movement.

        Finds the window handles of the windows matching the specified
        parameters and returns them as a list.

        You may specify the handle of the window to search under. The
        routine searches through all of this windows children and their
        children recursively. If 'undef' then the routine searches through
        all windows. There is also a regexp used to match against the text
        in the window caption and another regexp used to match against the
        text in the window class. If you pass a child ID number, the
        functions will only match windows with this id. In each case undef
        matches everything.

            Returns the control Id of the specified window.

        Equivalent to

            PushChildButton(GetForegroundWindow, BUTTON, DELAY)

        Allows generating a mouse click on a particular button.

        parent - the parent window of the button

        button - either the text in a button (e.g. "Yes") or the control ID
        of a button.

        delay - the time (0.25 means 250 ms) to wait between the mouse down
        and the mouse up event. This is useful for debugging.

    PushChildById( $parent, $button, $level, $delay )
        Allows pushing a button, which control id is eqaul to a given
        parameter. "PushChildButton" tries to match parameter against
        control id or caption. PushChildById matches only against control
        id. Secondly, PushChildById allows specifying search depth in the
        windows hierarchy tree. The default is 2, which means that only
        direct children will be pushed.

        Function which allows one to wait for a window to appear vs. using
        hard waits (e.g. sleep 2).

        parent - Where to start (parent window)

        wndtitle - Regexp for the window title

        wndclass - Regexp for the window class name

        wndid - Numeric Window or Control ID

        depth - How deep should we search before we stop

        wait - How many seconds should we wait before giving up

        Minimal version of WaitWindowLike. Only requires the window title
        regexp. You can also specify the wait timeout in seconds.

        wndtitle - Regexp for the window title

        wait - How many seconds should we wait before giving up

    IsWindowStyle($window, $style)
            Determines if a window has the specified style.  See sample
            script for more details.

    IsWindowStyleEx($window, $exstyle)
            Determines if a window has the specified extended
            style.  See sample script for more details.

        Using the corresponding library function (see MSDN) it returns a
        MenuID number

    GetMenuItemIndex($curr, $menu);
        $curr is a MenuId and $menu is the (localized !) name of the menu
        including the hot key: "Rep&eate" Returns the index of the menu item
        (-1 if not found)

        Returns the number of elements in the given menu.

        Allows selecting a menu programmatically.

        Simple Examples: # Exit foreground application through application
        menu. MenuSelect("&File|E&xit");

            # Exit foreground application through system menu
            MenuSelect("&Close", 0, GetSystemMenu(GetForegroundWindow(), FALSE));

    GetMenuItemInfo($menuHndl, $cnt)
        Receives a menu handler (one we got from GetMenu or GetSubMenu) and
        a number (which is the location of the item within the given menu).

        Returns a hash of which there are currently 2 keys: type can be
        either "string" or "separator" - this is the type of the menu item
        text is the visible text of the menu item (provided only for
        "string" type)

        WARNING: This is an experimental function. Its behavior might

    MouseClick($window [,$parent] [,$x_offset] [,$y_offset] [,$button]
        Allows one to easily interact with an application through mouse

        window = Regexp for a Window caption / Child caption, or just a
        Child ID.

        parent = Handle to parent window. Default is foreground window. Use
        GetDesktopWindow() return value for this if clicking on an
        application title bar.

        x_offset = Offset for X axis. Default is 0.

        y_offset = Offset for Y axis. Default is 0.

        button = {LEFT}, {MIDDLE}, {RIGHT}. Default is {LEFT}

        delay = Default is 0. 0.50 = 500 ms. Delay between button down and
        button up.

        Simple Examples:

            # Click on CE button if its parent window is in foreground.

            # Right click on CE button if its parent window is in foreground
            MouseClick('^CE$', undef, undef, undef, '{RIGHT}');

            # Click on 8 button window under the specified parent window; where
            # [PARENTHWND] will be replaced by a parent handle variable.
            MouseClick('8', [PARENTHWND]);

            # Click on Calculator parent window itself
            MouseClick('Calculator', GetDesktopWindow());

    $buf_str = AllocateVirtualBuffer( $hwnd, $size )
        Allocates memory in the address space of the process, which is an
        owner of a window identified by $hwnd. Returns a reference to a
        hash, which has 2 elements:

        ptr - address of the allocated memory
        process - process handle (in the Win32 meaning, as returned by Win32
        OpenProcess API function

    $value = ReadFromVirtualBuffer( $buf_str, $size )
        Read from a memory in the address space of the other process.
        $buf_str is a reference to a hash returned by AllocateVirtualBuffer.

        Returns read value.

    WriteToVirtualBuffer( $buf_str, $value )
        Write to a memory in the address space of the other process.
        $buf_str is a reference to a hash returned by AllocateVirtualBuffer.
        $value is a value to be copied.

    FreeVirtualBuffer( $buf_str )
        Frees memory allocated by AllocateVirtualBuffer

    $text = WMGetText($hwnd) *
        Sends a WM_GETTEXT to a window and returns its contents

    $set = WMSetText(hwnd,text) *
        Sends a WM_SETTEXT to a window setting its contents

    ($x,$y) = GetCursorPos() *
        Retrieves the cursor's position,in screen coordinates as (x,y)

        Retrieves the caret's position, in client coordinates as (x,y)
        array. (Like Windows function)

    HWND SetFocus(hWnd)
        Sets the keyboard focus to the specified window

    HWND GetDesktopWindow() *
        Returns a handle to the desktop window

    HWND GetWindow(hwnd,uCmd) *
    SV * GetWindowText(hwnd) *
        Get the text name of the window as shown on the top of it. Beware,
        this is text depends on localization.

    $class = GetClassName(hwnd) *
        Using the same Windows library function returns the name of the
        class wo which the specified window belongs.

        See MSDN for more details.

        You can also check out MSDN to see an overview of the Window

    HWND GetParent(hwnd) *
        A library function (see MSDN) to return the WindowID of the parent
        window. See MSDN for the special cases.

    long GetWindowLong(hwnd,index) *
    BOOL SetForegroundWindow(hWnd) *
        See corresponding Windows functions.

    @wnds = GetChildWindows(hWnd)
        Using EnumChildWindows library function (see MSDN) it returns the
        WindowID of each child window. If the children have their own
        children the function returns them too until the tree ends.

    BOOL IsChild(hWndParent,hWnd) *
        Using the corresponding library function (see MSDN) it returns true
        if the second window is an immediate child or a descendant window of
        the first window.

    $depth = GetChildDepth(hAncestor,hChild)
        Using the GetParent library function in a loop, returns the distance
        between an ancestor window and a child (descendant) window.

        Features/bugs: If the given "ancsetor" is not really an ancestor,
        the return value is the distance of child from the root window (0)
        If you supply the same id for both the ancestor and the child you
        get 1. If the ancestor you are checking is not 0 then the distance
        given is 1 larger than it should be.

        see eg\

    $res = SendMessage(hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam) *
        This is a library function (see MSDN) used by a number of the
        functions provided by Win32::GuiTest. It sends the specified message
        to a window or windows. HWnd is the WindowID or HWND_BROADCAST to
        send message to all top level windows. Message is not sent to child
        windows. (If I understand this correctly this means it is sent to
        all the immediate children of the root window (0). Msg the message
        wParam additional parameter lParam additioanl parameter

        It is most likely you won't use this directly but through one of the
        functions implemented already in Win32::GuiTest.

        See the guitest.xs for some examples.

    $res = PostMessage(hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam) *
        See corresponding Windows library function in MSDN.

    BOOL IsCheckedButton(hwnd)
    BOOL IsGrayedButton(hwnd)
        The names say it. Works on radio buttons and checkboxes. For regular
        buttons, use IsWindowEnabled.

    BOOL IsWindow(hwnd) *
    ($x,$y) = ScreenToClient(hwnd,x,y) *
    ($x,$y) = ClientToScreen(hwnd,x,y) *
    ($x,$y) = GetCaretPos(hwnd) *A
    HWND SetFocus(hWnd) *A
    HWND GetFocus(hwnd) *A
    HWND GetActiveWindow(hwnd) *A
    HWND GetForegroundWindow() *
    HWND SetActiveWindow(hwnd) *A
    BOOL EnableWindow(hwnd,fEnable) *
    BOOL IsWindowEnabled(hwnd)*
    BOOL IsWindowVisible(hwnd)*
    BOOL ShowWindow(hwnd,nCmdShow) *A
        See corresponding Windows functions.

    ($x,$y) = ScreenToNorm(x,y)
        Returns normalised coordinates of given point (0-FFFF as a fraction
        of screen resolution)

    ($x,$y) = NormToScreen(x,y)
        The opposite transformation

    ($x,$y) = GetScreenRes()
        Returns screen resolution

    HWND WindowFromPoint(x, y)
    ($l,$t,$r,$b) = GetWindowRect(hWnd) *
    ($l,$t,$r,$b) = GetClientRect(hWnd) *
        See corresponding Windows functions.

    SelComboItem($window, $index)
        Selects an item in the combo box based off an index (zero-based).

    SelComboItemText($window, $txt)
        Selects an item in the combo box based off text (case insensitive).

    $txt = GetComboText(hwnd,index)
    $txt = GetListText(hwnd,index)
    @lst = GetComboContents(hWnd)
    @lst = GetListContents(hWnd)
        Fetch the contents of the list and combo boxes.

        Wrapper around the GetAsyncKeyState API function. Returns TRUE if
        the user presses the specified key.

            IsKeyPressed( VK_DOWN);

        Wrapper around keybd_event. Allows sending low-level keys. The first
        argument is any of the VK_* constants. The second argument can be 0,
        KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP or a combination of them.

            KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY - Means it is an extended key (i.e. to distinguish between arrow keys on the numeric keypad and elsewhere). 
            KEYEVENTF_KEYUP       - Means keyup. Unspecified means keydown.

           use Win32::GuiTest qw/:FUNC :VK/;

           while (1) {
               SendRawKey(VK_DOWN, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY); 
               SendKeys "{PAUSE 200}";

            Return the items of the list view with C<$handle> as a list, each
                element of which is a reference to an array containing the values
                in each column.

    SelListViewItem($window, $idx, [$multi_select])
            Selects an item in the list view based off an index (zero-based).

                # Select first item, clears out any previous selections.
                SelListViewItem($win, 0);
                # Select an *additional* item.
                SelListViewItem($win, 1, 1);

    SelListViewItemText($window, $txt, [$multi_select])
            Selects an item in the list view based off text (case insensitive).

                # Select first item, clears out any previous selections.
                SelListViewItemText($win, 'Temp');
                # Select an *additional* item.
                SelListViewItemText($win, 'cabs', 1);

    IsListViewItemSel($window, $txt)
           Determines if the specified list view item is selected.

            Returns a list of a tab control's labels.

    SelTabItem($window, $idx)
            Selects a tab based off an index (zero-based).

    SelTabItemText($window, $txt)
            Selects a tab based off text label (case insensitive).

    IsTabItemSel($window, $txt)
           Determines if the specified tab item is selected.

    SelTreeViewItemPath($window, $path)
            Selects a tree view item based off a "path" (case insensitive).

            # Select Machine item and Processors sub-item.
            SelTreeViewItemPath($window, "Machine|Processors");

            SelTreeViewItemPath($window, "Item");

           Returns a string containing the path (i.e., "parent|child") of
           the currently selected tree view item.

           $oldpath = GetTreeViewSelPath($window);
           SelTreeViewItemPath($window, "Parent|Child");
           SelTreeViewItemPath($window, $oldpath);

    $hpopup = GetPopupHandle($hwnd, $x, $y, [$wait])
           This function gets the handle of a popup window generated by
           right-clicking at the $x and $y screen coordinates (absolute). An
           optional delay can be entered which will wait the given number of
           milliseconds after the right-click for the window to appear (default
           is 50). Zero is returned when no popup menu is found.

    A class to manage a Windows DIB section. Currently limited in
    functionality to 24-bit images. Pulled from old code into GuiTest when I
    ([email protected]) needed to create several grayscale screen

    Possible future extenstions: other color resolutions, loading,
    comparison of bitmaps, getting from clipboard.


      $ds = new Win32::GuiTest::DibSect;

    bool DibSect::CopyClient(hwnd,[rect])
            Copy a client area of given window (or possibly its subset) into
            a given DibSect. The rectangle may be optionally passed as a
            reference to 4-element array. To get the right result make sure
            the window you want to copy is not obscured by others.

    bool DibSect::CopyWindow(hwnd)
            Copy the window rectangle. Equivalent to

              $ds->CopyClient(GetDesktopWindow(), \@{[GetWindowRect($w)]});

    bool DibSect::SaveAs(szFile)
            Save the current contents of the DIB section in a given file.
            With 24-bit resolution it can grow quite big, so I immediately
            convert them to PNG (direct writing of PNG seemed to complicated
            to implement).

    bool DibSect::Invert()
            Invert the colors in a current DIB section.

    bool DibSect::ToGrayScale()
            Convert the DibSection to the gray scale. Note that it is still
            encoded as 24-bit BMP for simplicity.

    bool DibSect::ToClipboard()
            Copies the DibSect to clipboard (as an old-fashioned metafile),
            so that it can be further processed with your favourite image
            processing software, for example automatically using SendKeys.

    bool DibSect::Destroy()
            Destroys the contents of the DIB section.

    Currently (2007) there's no consensus about unicode input in Perl, so
    the module declares function "UnicodeSemantics" that sets whether
    information queried from windows should use A or W syscalls. The
    function that support this differentiation, and produce different
    results depending on value set to "UnicodeSemantics" is:

    "GetWindowText", and all its callers, - FindWindowLike, WaitWindow,

    "SendKeys" translated unicode characters into set of ALT+NUMPAD
    keystrokes. Note that not all applications can understand unicode input.

    UnicodeSemantics [BOOL]
        If a boolean parameter is set, changes the semantics flag for
        functions that return results of either A or W syscalls. If the
        parameter is not set, returns the current value of the flag.

    If you would like to participate in the development of this module there
    are several thing that need to be done. For some of them you only need
    Perl and the latest source of the module from CVS for others you'll also
    need to have a C++ compiler.

    To get the latest source code you need a CVS client and then do the

     cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/winguitest login
     cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/winguitest co Win32-GuiTest

    See more detailed explanations here

    g++ needs to be installed

      perl Makefile.PL
      make test
      make install

  MSVC environment
    To setup a development environment for compiling the C++ code you can
    either buy Visual Studio with Visual C++ or you can download a few
    things free of charge from Microsoft. There might be other ways too we
    have not explored.

    The instructions to get the free environment are here:

    From download and install:

     1) Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package
     2) .NET Framework SDK Version 1.1

    This is not enough as there are a number of header files and libraries
    that are not included in these distributions. You can get them from
    Microsoft in two additional downloads. For these you will have to be
    using Internet Explorer. Visit

    and install

     1) Core SDK
     2) Microsoft Data Access Components 2.7

    Before you can compile you'll have to open a command prompt and execute
    the "sdkvars.bat" script from the.NET SDK that will set a number of
    environment variables. In addition you'll have to run the "setenv.bat"
    you got with the Core SDK (and located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft
    SDK) with the appropriate parameters. For me this was /XP32 /RETAIL

    In order to finish the packaging you'll also need the tar, gzip and zip
    utilities from

    I have not tried it yet.

    After this you will probably be able to do the normal cycle:

     nmake test

     or run


    Module's documentation is available at

    Here are a few items where help would be welcome.

  Perl only
     Improve Tests
     Improve documentation
     Add more examples and explain them

  C++ compiler needed
     Add more calls to the C++ backend
     Fix current calls

     32bit custom controls (some already implemented)
     Possibly Java interfaces
     Retreive the list of the menu of a given window.

    The SendKeys function is based on the Delphi sourcecode published by Al
    Williams <> in Dr.Dobbs

    Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Ernesto Guisado, (c) 2004 Dennis K. Paulsen. All
    rights reserved. This program is free software; You may distribute it
    and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

    Ernesto Guisado ([email protected]),

    Jarek Jurasz ([email protected]), wrote DibSect and some other pieces
    (see "Changes" for details).

    Dennis K. Paulsen ([email protected]) wrote various pieces (See
    "Changes" for details).

    Dmitry Karasik ([email protected]) added support for unicode and

    Thanks very much to:

    Johannes Maehner
    Ben Shern
    Phill Wolf
    Sohrab Niramwalla
    Frank van Dijk
    Jarek Jurasz
    Wilson P. Snyder II
    Rudi Farkas
    Paul Covington
    Piotr Kaluski
    ...and more...
        for code, suggestions and bug fixes.