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SPARQLFederator Semantics

djogopatrao edited this page Jul 21, 2014 · 13 revisions


SPARQLFederator currently expand conjunctive queries, that is, those returning a list of instances of one or more classes at the same time. When querying for a class, SPARQLFederator will expand it to the equivalent SPARQL query:

  • ClassA => SELECT ?x { ?x a ClassA. }
  • ClassA ClassB => SELECT ?x { ?x a ClassA. ?x a ClassB. }

When the domain ontology contain axioms regarding ClassA, it will generate an SPARQL with the same semantics as described on OWL. Below two examples of currently implemented transformations:

  • ClassB SubClassOf ClassA => SELECT ?x { ?x a ClassA. UNION ?x a ClassB. }

Here, as ClassA is a superclass of ClassB, we should union the results from both classes in SPARQL, by the UNION clause.

  • ( ClassB ObjectIntersectionOf ClassC ObjectIntersectionOf ... ) SubclassOf ClassA => SELECT ?x { ?x a ClassA. UNION { ?x a ClassB; a ?classC; ... } }

In this other example, an intersection of several classes is defined as subclass of ClassA, so we deal with it using a construct similar to a JOIN in SPARQL.


The goal of SPARQLFederator is to support the OWL2-QL (efficient) and OWL2-EL (decidable) profiles of OWL2. Below we describe the semantics for other inference types to guide future implementation.


The semantics of OWL-2 QL are defined at; special attention to the 3.2.3 section, where syntactic restrictions are defined. (I) indicates what is currently implemented.

  • (I) ClassB SubClassOf ClassA => SELECT ?x { ?x a ClassA. UNION ?x a ClassB. }
  • ClassA EquivalentTo ClassB => SELECT ?x { ?x a ClassA. UNION ?x a ClassB. }
  • ClassB EquivalentTo ClassA => SELECT ?x { ?x a ClassA. UNION ?x a ClassB. }
  • ClassB DisjointClasses ClassA => ? SELECT ?x { ?x a ClassA. UNION ?x a [ rdf:type owl:Class; owl:complementOf ClassB ]. }
  • ClassB ObjectComplementOf ClassA => ? SELECT ?x { ?x a ClassA. UNION ?x a [ rdf:type owl:Class; owl:complementOf ClassB ]. }
  • InverseObjectProperties
  • SubObjectPropertyOf
  • EquivalentObjectProperties
  • EquivalentDataProperties
  • ObjectPropertyDomain
  • DataPropertyDomain
  • DisjointObjectProperties
  • DisjointDataProperties
  • SymmetricObjectProperty
  • ReflexiveObjectProperty
  • IrreflexiveObjectProperty
  • AsymmetricObjectProperty
  • DifferentIndividuals
  • ClassAssertion
  • ObjectPropertyAssertion
  • DataPropertyAssertion

Conjunctive query

Currently, we accept a list of classes URIs and the expanded query return the instances of the union of those classes. We would like to implement something like the "DL Query" tab in Protégé ( or SPARQL-DL (

  • Class1 AND Class2
  • Class1 OR Class2
  • property SOME Class1
  • property VALUE "literal"

SPARQL query input

The conjunctive query format currently accepted as input allows solving a very narrow range of problems. Instead, we would like SPARQLFederator to accept SPARQL queries as well; however, the query expander would have to deal with query expansion in several locations, which would be hard to implement:

  • WHERE clauses
  • select head
  • subqueries
  • BIND
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