red-lang ide made in Python
- Basic Syntax Highlight
Depends: bash, Python3, tkinter, tcl/tk
Linux environment [Windows under a VM] ;)
is required if you wan access to the internal shell. You can edit the subprocess code in the file to your shell of preference. sed -i 's|"/bin/bash"|"/your/shell"|g'
Launch app
Ctrl-R Creates new workarea. Watch for the dark bar appear on the right. Dual side arrow cursor appears clik and drag to pane window.
Internal Commands are singel character: d o w s
Return execute internal commands like a normal shell
clear all
o [filename]
opens a file in current path
w [filename]
writes a file to current path
s [linux command]
runs shell s ls -t
(Shell does not maintain state, so s cd dir; [do stuff]
) Its just a subprocess for you to get text manipulation access using linux commands s cat file | sed this | grep that
. I just edit files like that instead of using vim or emacs. Call me a purist.
Escape removes shell window.
Escape clear command line
Escape Focus command line if not focused
Middle Button Click Paste the Yank [Yanking and Copying text are 2 different things. To Yank: Highlight text anywhere outside of app or a different pad (Ctrl-R) and with Mouse Scroll-wheel click it and you will "Paste" the text [yank].)
Wheel Click Drag Scrolls Up/Down
Ctrl-a,e,d,t,n,p,i,b,f,c,v,x,/ Default POSIX Bindings by Tkinter: move to begin line, line end, delete, transpose, next parg, prev parg, insert tab, back char, fwd char, copy, paste, cut, select all, respectively.
[quirk: move/place cursor on the last line first before entering commands into the Red interpreter window]
I can fix all the hacks as I get better with Python.
Get Red:
Get pnk.lang: