LitBase is an iOS app that displays a list of tasks from a database. The user can access and modify these tasks.
Litbase retrieves data from a database and displays the data as a list of buttons. This data can be modified from the UI and updates the data.
The purpose of this program is app is to demonstrate the implementation of Firebase through SwiftUI views.
Firebase is an object storage service offered by Google. It is used as a mobile and web application development platform.
The strucutre of database I created is a Cloud Firestore which is a NoSQL cloud database used to store and sync data for both client and server-side development.
This app used:
- Firebase Firestore
- Xcode Version 12.5
- Swift 5.4
Additional dependencies used:
- Firebase FirebaseFirestoreSwift (8.0.0-beta)
The following features will be added in the future:
- Notifications of completion.
- Location services