The repository raw_recordings contains the direct output of lig-aikuma after recording. It contains 59 folders, each containing around 50 audio accompanged with .json files describing each of them.
mlg_data contains
- a text file transcriptions.txt containing the audio names and their transcriptions, in the format audio_name.wav, TRANSCRIPTION
- A folder containing all the audios retrieved from the raw_recordings folder, that are not corrupted. This is the dataset used in the .ipynb file.
txt_files contains 64 text files that were taken as input for the elicitation by text in lig-aikuma
MG_ASR.ipynb is a notebook with the codes training one ASR system on the data.
Emmanuella Sandratra Rambeloson and Andriamahazoosa Dimbinantenaina Rabeariony, AMMI Ghana.