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Set up Slack


Create a #big-board channel.

Slack Bot

  1. Go to

  2. Click Create New App.

  3. Do click the "Interested in the next generation of apps?" link. This will take you to the Developer Previvew page.

  4. Click "Create a developer preview app".

  5. Name it TobyBot and choose your team's workspace.

  6. Allow the following permission scopes:

    • commands
    • channels:history
    • channels:read
    • channels:write
    • chat:write:user
    • emoji:read
    • pins:write
    • users.profile:read
    • users.profile:write
    • users:read
    • users:write
    • channels:manage
    • channels:join
    • chat:write.public
  7. Click "Slash Commands". Create these seven commands. For each one, define the Request URL as http://[YOURAPP] Include Descriptions and Usage Hints as desired.

    • /board
    • /solve
    • /info
    • /connect

Set up Google API project

  1. Go here
  2. Click "Create credentials". Choose "OAuth client ID".
  3. Add Authorized JavaScript origins
    • https://[YOURAPP]
  4. Add Authorized redirect URIs:
    • https://[YOURAPP]
    • https://[YOURAPP]
  5. Note your Client ID and Client secret.
  6. Add the privacy policy URL (http://your-domain/privacy) to your OAuth consent screen. Once your app is live, you'll need to go through the verification process here) to get rid of the "unverified app" screen.
  7. Create a separate credential for testing. Add http://localhost:8888 to Authorized JavaScript origins and http://localhost:8888 and http://localhost:8888/oauth to Authorized Redirect URI's for that one
  8. Click "Create credentials" again and choose "Service Account". Download the JSON for login info here for later.
  9. At[your-project-name], enable the google drive api and the picker api
  10. Enable auth/drive.file scope at[your-project-id]
  11. Click "Create credentials" again and choose "API Key"

Set up Heroku instance

Provision a MySQL add-on. I used ClearDB. Create a DB. Note your:

  • URL
  • DB name
  • username
  • password

Provision Heroku Redis. heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev -a your-app-name Allow workers on Heroku. heroku config:add LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/app/php/ext:/app/apache/lib

Config variables

Define these locally and Heroku. Locally: copy envvars_example.config to envvars.config, fill out the fields, and run source envars.config. On Heroku: config variables are in the settings tab.

Some notes on figuring these out:

Database configuration


On Heroku - there's a CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL config variable which is in the format mysql://BIG_BOARD_DB_USERNAME:BIG_BOARD_DB_PASSWORD@BIG_BOARD_DB_HOST/BIG_BOARD_DB_NAME?reconnect=true.

Locally - Run mysql and create a database and a user. host is localhost, the rest is what you set while creating this.

Google Drive configuration

  • GOOGLE_APP_ID - the project number in the google cloud console
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID - you got this while setting up google credentials earlier
  • GOOGLE_DEVELOPER_KEY - the API key you got while setting up google credentials
  • GOOGLE_DRIVE_ID - go to google drive for your team folder, look at the url - it's the long id string there. Similarly for GOOGLE_DOCS_TEMPLATE_ID
  • GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS - this is the json for when you made the service account credential

Slack configuration

  • SLACK_DOMAIN - just the id, without any dots or the domain -- e.g. palindrome2018
  • TOBYBOT_SLACK_KEY - OAuth Access token. Starts with xoxa.
  • TOBYBOT_VERIFICATION_TOKEN - Verification Token, listed under Basic Information. 24 characters long.
  • BIGBOARDBOT_SLACK_KEY - Bot User OAuth Access Token for a standard bot. Starts with xoxb.


  • SIDEBAR_TEAM_INFO - data that goes in Big Board sidebar. Semicolon separated; each semicolon starts a new line.

Set up local environment


composer install --ignore-platform-reqs

At this point, make sure all the installed libraries (which are at vendor/bin/) are on your PATH. Then run:

composer dump-autoload
propel config:convert
propel sql:insert
propel migrate --fake

You can run the app locally with e.g.

php -S localhost:8888

Push to Heroku

To set up the DB on Heroku, first push, then run:

heroku run bash
propel sql:insert

Set up automatic deployments by connecting your Heroku instance to your GitHub repo.


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