As a pressed coin collector for 10+ years and a lifetime Disney fan, I dislike how there is no efficient and official way to keep track of my coins through the official Disneyland app, or by printing a paper and manually checking them off.
What needs to be done:
- Need to implement check boxes so that users can check off which coins they collected
- DOCUMENTATION!! and cleaning up the code
- TO-DO: Lots of refactoring and creating a class for coins as well as functions required for the project
- Allow users to register and save their progress
- users can register
- users CANNOT save their progress yet
- Add all coin locations for the Disney parks in Anaheim, California (2019 collection)
- do far in the future: add coins for Orlando, Florida
Please reach out to me if you are interested in seeing the presentation I created for this project!
Check out a sneak peek of the map demo:
I am revisting this project in 2020 and making major changes to the project to learn more about creating new feature and scaling up the project. It's been fun! Here are some resources and things I learned and wanted to take note of.
- To run locally, type
ornode app.js
to boot up program - when running locally, need .env file. check out my notes on db/index.js to know what to delete
- UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: error: password authentication failed for user "diane"
- literally make a password for yourself
Steps for reinstallation / running on a new machine:
- Currently running well on node version 10.2.0.
- run
nvm use 10.2.0
- run
- Need to install redis accordingly. it is advised to boot up redis automatically
- Probably lacking a connection to the psql DB
- if you get the error: Error: Redis connection to failed - connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1161:14)
- then you must.... a) start psql b) make sure you create database pennydb if not done already c) otherwise, create db, then run psql file d) this should work
References: Understanding Google Maps API LINKS USED:
Understanding psql
because i had no idea what to do 90% of the time
- type "sudo -iu postgres" to change user in unix (ex/ diane@diane --> postgres@diane) --if no db exist, create "pennydb" to run this file
- To understand relational databases:
Understanding Cookies: LINKS USED:
Other things I learned
- run
ps aux | grep node
to kill ports when the same port error comes up - working on a new branch
git branch
shows what branch you are ongit switch BRANCH_NAME_HERE
to switch to another branch- to merge 2 branches
- git checkout BRANCH_NAME_HERE
- git merge master
- git push origin BRANCH_NAME_HERE