yarn install # install dependencies
yarn gen # generate API code and spec
(cd backend; yarn start:dev) # start the backend with auto reload
(cd frontend; yarn start) # start the frontend with auto reload (exception see below)
[yarn --version] 1.22.19
[node --version] v18.16.0
The backend implements a REST API using TSOA and ExpressJS.
Current hitrate: 80.7%
Entries in Data Dump to
qualified (but not verified) Data Sets
The API specification can be generated using the yarn workspace travel-insights-backend gen:openapi
. Output will
be src/openapi.generated.json
In development (NODE_ENV != production) mode the API documentation can be found at:
The frontend is implemented using ReactJS with functional components and React Hooks.
Restful-react is used for generating typed API helpers from the OpenAPI spec.
yarn workspace travel-insights-frontend gen