Inventory service responsible for adding/removing items from a players inventory
Use the package manager npm to install
npm install
Inventory service requires a local testing environment with redis and mysql installed. It's reccommended that you use the included docker-compose file to run these locally
(Port 3306 and 6379 will need to be available)
docker-compose build && docker-compose up
Alternatively, without using compose, you can install redis and mysql locally, once these are installed you will need to import the schema and base data which can be found in config/db/pixel.sql
Start the server by running the entrypoint script
npm start
Retrieve all items from a players inventory
GET /players/{playerId}/inventory
Add a new item to players inventory
POST /players/{playerId}/inventory
With the body
"itemId": 1,
"amount": 20
Delete an item from the players inventory
DELETE /players/{playerId}/inventory/{id}
With the body
{"amount": 10}
Note that you must use the unique id from the players inventory (not the actual item id)
This is a fully tested working version, however the codebase is far from perfect, listed below is a number of changes that could be improved on
- Code repetition when loading the player, this could potentially be improved by using express middleware
- Singleton pattern on Database/Redlock, would be better if we had some kind of service registry that defined these
- Better validation using JSONSchema
- Run the server within docker removing the need to expose ports locally
- Multiple environments (qa/staging/prod)
- Decorator classes for responses