dgraziotin/smokeping-slave is a dockerized Smokeping, derived from linuxserver/smokeping, to run as a slave for another Smokeping instance (which could be the original linuxserver/smokeping).
Being derived from linuxserver/smokeping, dgraziotin/smokeping-slave preserves all of [linuxserver.io] goodies including enviroment variables, filesystem permissions, and software updates.
Follow linuxserver/smokeping instructions to set it up.
In addition, you must define the following variables and settings:
.- Container hostname to the same name expected by the master.
The easiest way to have a master is to use linuxserver/smokeping and change its configuration files to expect slaves. The expected location for the shared secrets is /config/smokeping_secrets
Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml are included for building the image.
Otherwise, feel free to use mine at dgraziotin/smokeping-slave.
Remember to set up the container hostname, either via command line (--hostname
) or in the docker-compose.yml file.
version: "2.1"
image: dgraziotin/smokeping-slave
container_name: smokeping-slave
hostname: smokeping-slave
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=Europe/Berlin
- SHARED_SECRET=12345password
- MASTER_URL=http://your.smokeping.ext/smokeping/smokeping.cgi
- </path/to/smokeping/config>:/config
- </path/to/smokeping/data>:/data
- 80:80
restart: unless-stopped