A script to check references from a BibTeX file against Google Scholar
Once there was a reviewer who complained about typos in researcher names from the references. He was wrong, but that was enough to have a thesis advisor on my ass asking me to re-check every reference.
So I could search them all one by one in Google Scholar and checking manually that the titles, names and journals/proceedings match 100%...
Or I could automate that boring task. So I needed bibcheck.
pip3 install git+https://github.com/dgalaktionov/bibcheck.git
bibcheck.py <file.bib>
When no file specified, it will read from the stdin.
So the input is a collection of BibTeX entries. Every entry is queried against Google Scholar and the result is printed to stdout in BibTeX format. That way I can bibcheck.py paper.bib > scholar.bib
, and then compare the contents of paper.bib
and scholar.bib
using kdiff3 or whatever comparing tool I have at hand.
If I see the need, I may implement some fancy automatic comparison, displaying information only about the mismatched entries.