#iChat using Sinatra and Active Record
- integrate Active Record with Sinatra
- make an http request from a script (rather than a web browser)
- use a model to access data from a database
- display data from a database in a view
- http://rubydoc.info/gems/activerecord/4.0.0/frames
- https://github.com/janko-m/sinatra-activerecord
- http://danneu.com/posts/15-a-simple-blog-with-sinatra-and-active-record-some-useful-tools/
- https://github.com/typhoeus/typhoeus
- https://github.com/cldwalker/tux
--note: '$' means command should be run on command line --
- fork this repo
git clone
$cd repo_name
$bundle install
$rake db:migrate
- Open up a second terminal tab and run
- In the post_message.rb script modify the uri variable to match your the port your server is running on. For Example:
== Shotgun/Thin on
>> Thin web server (v1.5.0 codename Knife)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
- In the above example '' is your uri
- first try posting a hash to a url
Typhoeus.post(uri, :body => {:key => 'value'})
and put the debugger into your post route. Then, in the console print out "params." You can do this in your post_message.rb script like this:
uri = ""
Typhoeus.post(uri, {key: 'value'})
- When you do, you should
{key => 'value'}
printed in the debugger. - You access this is the same way that you do when using a form
params[:key] #=> 'value'
- Now, using Typhoeus gem, post the sender, receiver and message variables to the
post '/'
NOTE: When doing this, keep in mind what the params hash looked like when your input came from a form, this is no different except you are directly passing the hash to the url from the ruby script.
- Modify the
post '/'
route to create a message based on user input from the post_message.rb script
HINT: Thanks to active record magic, you don't have to assign them all individually. Take a look at the create method
- Modify the
get '/reset'
route to delete all messages in the database. - At this point, in another terminal tab you should be able to run the post_message.rb script and it should successfully post to the server.
- You will know it works by going into the 'tux' terminal and typing
. You should see the message that you sent. - Now, modify the messages view to display all of the messages in the database.
- Your resulting view should look something like this: