implementation of a hardware bootloader for the Oregano8051 kernel taking advantage of the TmrCtrl hardware and the SIU interface of the Oregano8051 itself.
[*] --> idle: reset = 0
idle --> wait_command: en_boot = 1
wait_command --> wait_size: data_in_ok = 1
wait_size --> wait_addr_h: data_in_ok = 1
wait_addr_h --> wait_addr_l: data_in_ok = 1
wait_addr_l --> wait_code: data_in_ok = 1
wait_code --> write: data_in_ok = 1 and command_reg = CMD_WRITE
wait_code --> read: data_in_ok = 1 and command_reg = CMD_READ
wait_code --> idle: data_in_ok = 1 and command_reg = OTHER
write --> wait_data: code_reg = CODE_DATA
write --> idle: code_reg = OTHER
wait_data --> send_checksum: size_reg = 0
wait_data --> write_data: size_reg != 0 and data_in_ok = 1
write_data --> wait_data
send_checksum --> wait_send_checksum
wait_send_checksum --> idle: data_out_ok = '1'
read --> send_data: code_reg = CODE_DATA
read --> idle: code_reg = OTHER
send_data --> wait_send_data
wait_send_data --> send_checksum: size_reg = 0
wait_send_data --> send_data: size_reg != 0
note right of wait_command
when data_in_ok = 1:
command_reg = port_data_in
checksum_reg += port_data_in
end note
note right of wait_size
when data_in_ok = 1:
size_reg = port_data_in
checksum_reg += port_data_in
end note
note right of wait_addr_h
when data_in_ok = 1:
addr_reg(15 downto 8) = port_data_in
checksum_reg += port_data_in
end note
note right of wait_addr_l
when data_in_ok = 1:
addr_reg(7 downto 0) = port_data_in
checksum_reg += port_data_in
end note
note left of wait_code
when data_in_ok = 1:
code_reg = port_data_in
checksum_reg += port_data_in
end note
note right of write_data
addr_reg ++
size_reg --
end note
note left of wait_data
when size_reg = 0:
checksum_reg = (not checksum) +1
checksum_reg += port_data_in
end note
note left of wait_send_data
when size_reg = 0:
checksum_reg = (not checksum) +1
checksum_reg += port_data_in
addr_reg ++
size_reg --
end note