provider "databricks" {
host = var.databricks_host
token = var.databricks_token
resource "databricks_cluster" "example" {
cluster_name = "example"
spark_version = "6.3.x-scala2.11"
node_type_id = "Standard_DS3_v2"
autoscale {
min_workers = 2
max_workers = 8
autotermination_minutes = 120
To build the provider:
$ go build
To test the provider:
$ go test -v ./...
To run all acceptance tests:
Note: Acceptance tests create real resources, and often cost money to run.
$ TF_ACC=1 go test -v ./...
To run a subset of acceptance tests:
$ TF_ACC=1 go test -v ./... -run=TestAccDatabricksCluster
The following environment variables must be set prior to running acceptance tests: