This repo will has been archived. It became a big maintenance overhead, when I only use the artifacts in my homelab. Furthermore I have learned this is not a great approach, as it is to dependent on tooling (FluxCD) which is not built for this purpose. If someone else thinks of this, I would suggest to do it with either Helm Umbrella Charts or Timoni. These solutions will provide much better templating, and be more open for consumption. Both solutions could still be distributed as OCI artifacts.
Show/hide folder structure
├── .github
│ └── workflows
├── .vscode
└── k8s
├── capi-operator
├── cert-manager
│ └── cluster-issuers
│ ├── cloudflare-letsencrypt
│ └── selfsigned
├── cloudflared
├── clusters
│ └── oci-artifacts
│ ├── flux-system
│ ├── releases
│ │ ├── capi-operator
│ │ ├── cert-manager
│ │ ├── cloudflared
│ │ ├── gha-runner-scale-set-controller
│ │ ├── goldilocks
│ │ ├── harbor
│ │ ├── helm-charts-oci-proxy
│ │ ├── homepage
│ │ ├── k8sgpt-operator
│ │ ├── kyverno
│ │ ├── metrics-server
│ │ ├── oauth2-proxy
│ │ ├── ollama
│ │ ├── open-webui
│ │ ├── plantuml
│ │ ├── pulumi-operator
│ │ ├── reloader
│ │ ├── traefik
│ │ └── trivy-operator
│ └── variables
├── gha-runner-scale-set-controller
├── goldilocks
├── harbor
├── helm-charts-oci-proxy
├── homepage
├── k8sgpt-operator
├── kubelet-serving-cert-approver
├── kyverno
├── longhorn
├── metrics-server
├── oauth2-proxy
├── ollama
├── open-webui
├── plantuml
├── pulumi-operator
│ └── programs
│ └── harbor-proxy-program
├── reloader
├── traefik
│ └── middlewares
│ ├── basic-auth
│ └── forward-auth
└── trivy-operator
57 directories
OCI Artifacts are a great way to distribute ready-to-use K8s manifests. It requires almost no lines of code to get services deployed, and together with Flux and Flux post-build variables it can be a great addition to Helm charts. In most cases deploying a service, will require a single line + setting some post-build variables. In more advanced scenarios it might require patching the OCI Artifact with Kustomize patches.
This repository contains the following OCI Artifacts:
- Cluster API Operator
- Cert Manager
- Cloudflared
- GitHub Actions Runner Scale Set
- Goldilocks
- Harbor
- Helm Charts OCI Proxy
- Homepage
- K8sGPT Operator
- Kubelet Serving Cert Approver
- Kyverno
- Longhorn
- Metrics Server
- OAuth2 Proxy
- Ollama
- PlantUML
- Pulumi Operator
- Reloader
- Traefik
- Trivy Operator
For testing locally:
For deploying the OCI Artifacts to a Kubernetes cluster:
- A running Kubernetes cluster
- Flux GitOps installed in the cluster
First you have to create an OCIRepository
to be able to deploy OCI Artifacts.
apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2
kind: OCIRepository
name: oci-artifacts
namespace: flux-system
interval: 1m0s
url: oci://ghcr.io/devantler/oci-artifacts/manifests
tag: latest
Applying this resource to your cluster will enable you to reference and deploy OCI Artifacts with Flux Kustomizations:
apiVersion: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1
kind: Kustomization
name: traefik
namespace: flux-system
interval: 1m
targetNamespace: traefik
kind: OCIRepository
name: oci-artifacts
path: traefik
prune: true
wait: true
# If the OCI Artifact requires setting post-build variables,
# you might need decryption and substitutes configured.
provider: sops
name: sops-age
- kind: ConfigMap
name: variables
- kind: Secret
name: variables-sensitive
# If you further want to customize the deployment,
# you can freely change it up with regular Kustomize patches.
- target:
kind: HelmRelease
name: traefik
patch: |-
apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2
kind: HelmRelease
name: traefik
- traefik-traefik-auth-headers@kubernetescrd
- name: traefik-forward-auth
namespace: traefik
For a real life example, take a look at my homelab.
Pulling K8s manifest over OCI is not supported by Kustomize yet. There is an active Pull Request that will add support for this.
Some of the OCI Artifacts require you to provide some variables to configure the service. You can do this by adding the variables to your variables files in the k8s/clusters/[clusterName]/variables
folder in your own clusters repo. You can find the variables in the k8s/<oci-artifact>/README.md
files in this repository.
The OCI Artifacts repo is open source, and I welcome contributions from anyone. If you want to contribute, please create issues or pull requests in this repository and I will take a look at it.