Eclipse Leshan™ is an OMA Lightweight M2M server and client Java implementation.
What is OMA LWM2M ?
The specification.
Object and Resource Registry.
Leshan provides libraries which help people to develop their own Lightweight M2M server and client.
The project also provides a client, a server and a bootstrap server demonstration as an example of the Leshan API and for testing purpose.
Here you can see which part of the specification is currently covered by Leshan.
The Leshan Documentation is available in our wiki 📘.
Join the project mailing list : subscribe.
Mail address: [email protected].
Access to leshan-dev archives.
You can try live our servers demos instances:
- The lwm2m server at
(coap:// and coaps:// - The bootstrap server at
(coap:// and coaps://
(Automatic deployment of master branch)
Get and run the last binary of our demo server :
java -jar ./leshan-server-demo.jar
Get and run the last binary of our demo client :
java -jar ./leshan-client-demo.jar
Get and run the last binary of our bootstrap demo server :
java -jar ./leshan-bsserver-demo.jar
ℹ️ : All the demos have a --help
Get sources :
#using ssh
git clone [email protected]:eclipse/leshan.git
#using https
git clone
Compile it, by running in leshan root folder :
mvn clean install
Run demo server:
java -jar leshan-server-demo/target/leshan-server-demo-*-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Connect on Leshan demo UI: http://localhost:8080
Leshan server Demo provides a very simple UI to get the list of connected clients and interact with clients resources.
Now you can register a LWM2M client by running our client demo:
java -jar leshan-client-demo/target/leshan-client-demo-*-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
or trying the Eclipse Wakaama test client.
You can also try our bootstrap demo server:
java -jar leshan-bsserver-demo/target/leshan-bsserver-demo-*-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Now you played a bit with our demo, you should start to code your own server or client using our Getting-started guide.