- Алгоритмы сортировки
- Алгоритмы поиска
- Алгоритмы сжатия
- Парсинг json файла
- Парсинг xml файла
- Алгоритмы слияния
- Алгоритмы сложения
- Алгоритм сортировки пузырьком (Bubble Sort):
def bubble_sort(list):
for i in range(len(list)):
for j in range(len(list) - 1):
if list[j] > list[j + 1]:
list[j], list[j + 1] = list[j + 1], list[j] # swap
return list
- Алгоритм сортировки выбором (Selection Sort):
def selection_sort(list):
for i in range(len(list)):
min_index = i
for j in range(i + 1, len(list)):
if list[min_index] > list[j]:
min_index = j
list[i], list[min_index] = list[min_index], list[i] # swap
return list
- Алгоритм сортировки вставками (Insertion Sort):
def insertion_sort(list):
for i in range(1, len(list)):
key = list[i]
j = i - 1
while j >=0 and key < list[j] :
list[j+1] = list[j]
j -= 1
list[j+1] = key
return list
- Алгоритм быстрой сортировка (Quick Sort):
def partition(array, low, high):
i = (low-1)
pivot = array[high]
for j in range(low, high):
if array[j] <= pivot:
i = i+1
array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i]
array[i+1], array[high] = array[high], array[i+1]
return (i+1)
def quick_sort(array, low, high):
if len(array) == 1:
return array
if low < high:
partition_index = partition(array, low, high)
quick_sort(array, low, partition_index-1)
quick_sort(array, partition_index+1, high)
- Алгоритм сортировки слиянием (Merge Sort):
def merge_sort(arr):
if len(arr) <= 1:
return arr
# Разделение массива на две половины
mid = len(arr) // 2
left_half = arr[:mid]
right_half = arr[mid:]
# Рекурсивная сортировка обеих половин
left_half = merge_sort(left_half)
right_half = merge_sort(right_half)
# Слияние отсортированных половин
return merge(left_half, right_half)
def merge(left, right):
result = []
i = 0
j = 0
# Слияние элементов из обеих половин
while i < len(left) and j < len(right):
if left[i] <= right[j]:
i += 1
j += 1
# Добавление оставшихся элементов
while i < len(left):
i += 1
while j < len(right):
j += 1
return result
- Алгоритм линейного поиска (Linear Search):
def linear_search(arr, target):
for i in range(len(arr)):
if arr[i] == target:
return i
return -1
- Интерполяционный поиск (Interpolation search):
def interpolation_search(arr, target):
low = 0
high = len(arr) - 1
while low <= high and arr[low] <= target <= arr[high]:
pos = low + ((target - arr[low]) * (high - low)) // (arr[high] - arr[low])
if arr[pos] == target:
return pos
elif arr[pos] < target:
low = pos + 1
high = pos - 1
return -1
- Алгоритм поиска по Фибоначчи (Fibonacci search):
def fibonacci_search(arr, target):
fib2 = 0
fib1 = 1
fib = fib1 + fib2
while fib < len(arr):
fib2 = fib1
fib1 = fib
fib = fib1 + fib2
offset = -1
while fib > 1:
i = min(offset + fib2, len(arr) - 1)
if arr[i] == target:
return i
elif arr[i] < target:
fib = fib1
fib1 = fib2
fib2 = fib - fib1
offset = i
fib = fib2
fib1 = fib1 - fib2
fib2 = fib - fib1
if fib1 and arr[offset + 1] == target:
return offset + 1
return -1
- Алгоритм двоичного поиска (Binary Search) в отсортированном массиве:
def binary_search(arr, target):
low = 0
high = len(arr) - 1
while low <= high:
mid = (low + high) // 2
if arr[mid] == target:
return mid
elif arr[mid] < target:
low = mid + 1
high = mid - 1
return -1
- Алгоритм поиска в глубину (Depth-First Search) в графе:
def dfs(graph, start, visited=None):
if visited is None:
visited = set()
print(start, end=" ")
for neighbor in graph[start]:
if neighbor not in visited:
dfs(graph, neighbor, visited)
- Алгоритм поиска в ширину (Breadth-First Search) в графе:
from collections import deque
def bfs(graph, start):
visited = set()
queue = deque([start])
while queue:
vertex = queue.popleft()
print(vertex, end=" ")
for neighbor in graph[vertex]:
if neighbor not in visited:
- Алгоритм A* (A-star) для поиска кратчайшего пути в графе:
import heapq
def astar(graph, start, goal):
open_set = [(0, start)] # Открытое множество
came_from = {} # Сохранение пути от стартовой вершины
g_score = {vertex: float('inf') for vertex in graph} # Расстояние от стартовой вершины до текущей вершины
g_score[start] = 0
f_score = {vertex: float('inf') for vertex in graph} # Оценка полного расстояния от стартовой вершины до целевой вершины
f_score[start] = heuristic(start, goal) # Пример эвристической функции
while open_set:
current = heapq.heappop(open_set)[1]
if current == goal:
return reconstruct_path(came_from, current)
for neighbor in graph[current]:
tentative_g_score = g_score[current] + graph[current][neighbor]
if tentative_g_score < g_score[neighbor]:
came_from[neighbor] = current
g_score[neighbor] = tentative_g_score
f_score[neighbor] = tentative_g_score + heuristic(neighbor, goal)
heapq.heappush(open_set, (f_score[neighbor], neighbor))
return None
def heuristic(vertex, goal):
# Пример эвристической функции (Евклидово расстояние между вершинами)
x1, y1 = vertex
x2, y2 = goal
return ((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2) ** 0.5
def reconstruct_path(came_from, current):
total_path = [current]
while current in came_from:
current = came_from[current]
return total_path[::-1]
- Алгоритм Хаффмана (Huffman Coding):
import heapq
from collections import defaultdict
def build_huffman_tree(data):
# Подсчёт частоты символов
freq = defaultdict(int)
for char in data:
freq[char] += 1
# Построение очереди с приоритетом
heap = [[weight, [char, ""]] for char, weight in freq.items()]
# Построение дерева Хаффмана
while len(heap) > 1:
lo = heapq.heappop(heap)
hi = heapq.heappop(heap)
for pair in lo[1:]:
pair[1] = '0' + pair[1]
for pair in hi[1:]:
pair[1] = '1' + pair[1]
heapq.heappush(heap, [lo[0] + hi[0]] + lo[1:] + hi[1:])
return heap[0][1:]
def compress_huffman(data):
tree = build_huffman_tree(data)
huffman_code = {char: code for char, code in tree}
compressed_data = "".join(huffman_code[char] for char in data)
return compressed_data, huffman_code
def decompress_huffman(compressed_data, huffman_code):
reversed_code = {code: char for char, code in huffman_code.items()}
current_code = ""
decompressed_data = ""
for bit in compressed_data:
current_code += bit
if current_code in reversed_code:
char = reversed_code[current_code]
decompressed_data += char
current_code = ""
return decompressed_data
- Алгоритм Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW Compression):
def compress_lzw(data):
dictionary = {chr(i): i for i in range(256)}
current_code = 256
compressed_data = []
current_sequence = ""
for char in data:
current_sequence += char
if current_sequence not in dictionary:
dictionary[current_sequence] = current_code
current_code += 1
current_sequence = char
return compressed_data
def decompress_lzw(compressed_data):
dictionary = {i: chr(i) for i in range(256)}
current_code = 256
decompressed_data = []
previous_sequence = chr(compressed_data[0])
for code in compressed_data[1:]:
if code in dictionary:
current_sequence = dictionary[code]
elif code == current_code:
current_sequence = previous_sequence + previous_sequence[0]
raise ValueError("Invalid compressed data")
dictionary[current_code] = previous_sequence + current_sequence[0]
current_code += 1
previous_sequence = current_sequence
return "".join(decompressed_data)
- Алгоритм RLE (Run-Length Encoding):
def compress_rle(data):
compressed_data = ""
count = 1
for i in range(1, len(data)):
if data[i] == data[i - 1]:
count += 1
compressed_data += str(count) + data[i - 1]
count = 1
compressed_data += str(count) + data[-1]
return compressed_data
def decompress_rle(compressed_data):
decompressed_data = ""
for i in range(0, len(compressed_data), 2):
count = int(compressed_data[i])
char = compressed_data[i + 1]
decompressed_data += count * char
return decompressed_data
- Алгоритм BWT (Burrows-Wheeler Transform) с применением алгоритма MTF (Move-to-Front):
def compress_lzss(data, window_size=12, lookahead_buffer_size=4):
compressed_data = []
i = 0
while i < len(data):
if i >= window_size:
search_start = i - window_size
search_start = 0
search_end = min(i, len(data) - lookahead_buffer_size)
best_match_length = 0
best_match_distance = 0
for j in range(search_end, search_start - 1, -1):
match_length = 0
while i + match_length < len(data) and data[j + match_length] == data[i + match_length] and match_length < lookahead_buffer_size:
match_length += 1
if match_length > best_match_length:
best_match_length = match_length
best_match_distance = i - j
if best_match_length > 2:
compressed_data.append((0, best_match_distance, best_match_length - 3))
i += best_match_length
compressed_data.append((1, data[i]))
i += 1
return compressed_data
def decompress_lzss(compressed_data, window_size=12):
decompressed_data = []
for token in compressed_data:
if token[0] == 0:
_, distance, length = token
for _ in range(length + 3):
decompressed_data.append(decompressed_data[-distance - 1])
_, char = token
return decompressed_data
Пример создания сложного JSON-файла:
import json
data = {
"employees": [
"id": 1,
"name": "John",
"position": "Manager",
"salary": 50000,
"skills": ["Python", "SQL", "Leadership"]
"id": 2,
"name": "Jane",
"position": "Developer",
"salary": 40000,
"skills": ["JavaScript", "HTML", "CSS"]
"id": 3,
"name": "Mark",
"position": "Designer",
"salary": 45000,
"skills": ["Photoshop", "Illustrator", "UI/UX"]
"company": "XYZ Corporation"
with open("data.json", "w") as file:
json.dump(data, file, indent=4)
Пример парсинга сложного JSON-файла:
import json
with open("data.json") as file:
data = json.load(file)
company = data["company"]
employees = data["employees"]
print("Company:", company)
for employee in employees:
print("ID:", employee["id"])
print("Name:", employee["name"])
print("Position:", employee["position"])
print("Salary:", employee["salary"])
print("Skills:", ", ".join(employee["skills"]))
Пример создания сложного XML-файла:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
root = ET.Element("company")
employee1 = ET.SubElement(root, "employee")
employee1.set("id", "1")
name1 = ET.SubElement(employee1, "name")
name1.text = "John"
position1 = ET.SubElement(employee1, "position")
position1.text = "Manager"
salary1 = ET.SubElement(employee1, "salary")
salary1.text = "50000"
skills1 = ET.SubElement(employee1, "skills")
ET.SubElement(skills1, "skill").text = "Python"
ET.SubElement(skills1, "skill").text = "SQL"
ET.SubElement(skills1, "skill").text = "Leadership"
employee2 = ET.SubElement(root, "employee")
employee2.set("id", "2")
name2 = ET.SubElement(employee2, "name")
name2.text = "Jane"
position2 = ET.SubElement(employee2, "position")
position2.text = "Developer"
salary2 = ET.SubElement(employee2, "salary")
salary2.text = "40000"
skills2 = ET.SubElement(employee2, "skills")
ET.SubElement(skills2, "skill").text = "JavaScript"
ET.SubElement(skills2, "skill").text = "HTML"
ET.SubElement(skills2, "skill").text = "CSS"
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
Пример парсинга сложного XML-файла:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse("data.xml")
root = tree.getroot()
company = root.tag
print("Company:", company)
employees = root.findall("employee")
for employee in employees:
employee_id = employee.get("id")
name = employee.find("name").text
position = employee.find("position").text
salary = employee.find("salary").text
skills = employee.find("skills")
skill_list = [skill.text for skill in skills.findall("skill")]
print("ID:", employee_id)
print("Name:", name)
print("Position:", position)
print("Salary:", salary)
print("Skills:", ", ".join(skill_list))
- Сортировка слиянием (Merge Sort):
def merge_sort(arr):
if len(arr) <= 1:
return arr
mid = len(arr) // 2
left = arr[:mid]
right = arr[mid:]
left = merge_sort(left)
right = merge_sort(right)
return merge(left, right)
def merge(left, right):
merged = []
i = j = 0
while i < len(left) and j < len(right):
if left[i] <= right[j]:
i += 1
j += 1
while i < len(left):
i += 1
while j < len(right):
j += 1
return merged
- Сложение "столбиком" (Addition "column"):
def addition(a, b):
result = []
carry = 0
while a or b or carry:
digit = carry
if a:
digit += a.pop()
if b:
digit += b.pop()
carry = digit // 10
result.append(digit % 10)
return result[::-1]
- Сложение по разрядам (рекурсивный подход) (Addition by digits (recursive approach)):
def addition(a, b):
if not a:
return b
if not b:
return a
result = []
digit_sum = a[-1] + b[-1]
carry = digit_sum // 10
result.extend(addition(a[:-1], b[:-1]))
result.append(digit_sum % 10)
if carry:
result = addition(result, [carry])
return result
- Сложение двух чисел в виде строк (Adding two numbers as strings):
def addition(a, b):
result = []
carry = 0
i = len(a) - 1
j = len(b) - 1
while i >= 0 or j >= 0 or carry:
digit = carry
if i >= 0:
digit += int(a[i])
i -= 1
if j >= 0:
digit += int(b[j])
j -= 1
carry = digit // 10
result.append(str(digit % 10))
return ''.join(result[::-1])