PHPHighlight is a PHP syntax highlighting library that can be easily customized and extended.
The library parses the text, finds the <pre> tag, reads the attributes (data-lang, data-file, data-theme) and highlights the syntax of the code block.
Supports style customization. Here are examples of styling:
PHP 8.1+
You can install package via composer
$ composer require demyanovs/php-highlight
See full example here index.php
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Demyanovs\PHPHighlight\Highlighter;
use Demyanovs\PHPHighlight\Themes\ObsidianTheme;
$text = '
<pre data-file="php-highlight/examples/index.php" data-lang="php">
abstract class AbstractClass
* Our abstract method only needs to define the required arguments
abstract protected function prefixName(string $name): string;
class ConcreteClass extends AbstractClass
* Our child class may define optional arguments not in the parent\'s signature
public function prefixName(string $name): string
$prefix = "";
if ($name === "Pacman") {
$prefix = "Mr.";
} elseif ($name === "Pacwoman") {
$prefix = "Mrs.";
} else {
return $prefix . " " . $name;
$class = new ConcreteClass;
echo $class->prefixName("Pacman"), "\n";
echo $class->prefixName("Pacwoman"), "\n";
$highlighter = new Highlighter($text, ObsidianTheme::TITLE);
// Configuration
echo $highlighter->parse();
You can set following attributes in <pre> tag <pre data-lang="php" data-file="example.php" data-theme="drakuala">
- lang - a language of the text. This affects how the parser will highlight the syntax.
- file - show file name in action panel.
- theme - allows to overwrite the global theme.
To create a custom theme you need to create an instance of Demyanovs\PHPHighlight\Themes\Theme class and pass it to Highlighter as a third argument:
$defaultColorSchemaDto = new DefaultColorSchemaDto(...);
$PHPColorSchemaDto = new PHPColorSchemaDto(...);
$XMLColorSchemaDto = new XMLColorSchemaDto(...);
$myTheme = new Theme(
$highlighter = new Highlighter($text, 'myThemeTitle', [$myTheme]);
- JavaScript
- Bash
- Go
- and others
- default
- darkula
- railscasts
- obsidian
- far
- vs2015
- c64
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.