#wota - War of the Ants
##Download release https://github.com/wotateam/wota/archive/release_0.2.zip
##Installation guide
extract .zip into your eclipse workspace
rename folder into wota
in eclipse: File -> New -> Java project.
project name = wota
click on 'finish' (eclipse should denote that it will import the project settings) -
Run as java application. The main is located in src/wota/Wota.java
Write your own ai! Create a folder with the name of your ai in src/wota/ai/
Copy src/wota/ai/template/TemplateAI.java, QueenAI.java to this folder.
You must not rename QueenAI, you may rename TemplateAI and probably want to do so.
Write your ai in these files. Change the package name inside the files to wota.ai.FOLDER_NAME
Add your ais to the game by editing settings.txt
Further information can be found inside the template classes as well as in Tutorial.txt. Keyboard hotkeys are listed in https://github.com/wotateam/wota/wiki/Keyboard-Hotkeys
Have fun! If any questions/comments/suggestions come up, don't hesitate and contact us!
we are using lwjgl for our graphics: http://lwjgl.org/
It is BSD-licensed, see LWJGL_LICENSE.txt (taken from the project website).
to use 'Issues & Milestones' (GitHub Bugtracker) in Eclipse (using Mylyn): In Eclipse: Help -> Install New Software -> work with: http://download.eclipse.org/egit/github/updates -> install Then open view 'Task List' -> Add Repository