A simple svelte learning experience.
The best way to learn a new thing is to work with sed thing. So here we are. A little svelte application to take the thing for a test ride
Because of the dropping prises of TVs and raspberries there are many monitors/TVs that have nothing to display. For those I have created a little joke application to display random humorous facts from the interned and give the monitors a purpose.
A simple website with no server site component to it.
- Ron Swanson quotes service: http://ron-swanson-quotes.herokuapp.com/v2/quotes
- Youtube: https:/youtube.com
- News feed: newsapi.org
Just for the sake of it this "wall" is available as a docker image on docker hub
When started it just exposes port 80 and provides you with the wall
docker run -p 8080:80 dejanfajfar/thewall
Now it is available at http://localhost:8080
If you do not want to pull any images and just want to run it somewhere. You can!
Just navigate to https://thewall-site.herokuapp.com/
And enjoy...