I am experienced software developer interested in tasks that require special algorithms. I like projects that combine cutting-edge technologies.
π± Iβm currently learning English
π« How to reach me [email protected]
π± Iβm currently learning English
π« How to reach me [email protected]
The below method is used to download all the lambda functions in a given region (implicitly set as part of default
aws cli profile). All the lambda functions are extracted into folders as per their given function names.
import os
#testeado con un ZTE N720
#!/usr/bin/env python
import gammu
import sys
#instalar splinter desde pip(pip install splinter)
import splinter #importamos la libreria instalada previamente en el sistema o entorno virtual
b = splinter.Browser('firefox') #definimos una variable donde indicamos el navegador a utilizar
b.visit('http://google.com') #aca se define la url que abriremos con el comando visit de splinter
b.fill('q', 'hola splinter') #primero con fill buscamos un campo llamado 'q' y escribimos el texto