A simple project to exploit parallelism in the techniques which are used to find Hamilton (Hamiltonian) paths
There were some restrictions while coding this project (so that i can learn more)
- Design and implement your own data structure
- try to avoid use of inbuilt/third-party libraries
That is why you may see some implementations of the classes like ArrayList and ThreadPool. However, you can modify code and use inbuilt libs.
Thanks !!!
Usage of The Program:
java -jar <Filename>.jar <options> --graph <graphfilename.txt>
--serial : finds the Hamilton paths using recursion (no multi-threading)
--parallel : finds the Hamilton paths using multiple threads
--threads : set the no of threads to be used, by default it is no of cores on your processor
--gen-graph <no of vertices> : generates <no of vertices>-fully connected graph
--gen-KMgraph <Rows> <Columns>: Generates Knight's Move Graph on a Row*Column Board
--tofile <outputfilename> : saves the generated graph to the given filename
--sleepbeforeTPoff <time in milliseconds>: put main thread to sleep for <time> before shutting down the thread pool
--print-paths: prints all the Hamilton paths`