Knowledge graph API is designed to provide an easy interface to CRUD data to databases like TerminusDB and Neo4j in the runtime.
Here is a step by step guide to install Custom KG. It will get you to a point of having a database up and running in one of three ways and the API ready to deal with it.
Clone the repository somewhere on your disk and enter the repository:
git clone
cd custom_kg_svc
Install the dependencies using pip:
pip install -e .
Run the docker container inside custom_kg_svc to deploy neo4j database:
docker-compose up
Now as the neo4j database is up and running on http://localhost:7474/ you can connect to it using the API:
NEO4J_BOLT_URL = "bolt://neo4j:neo4j@localhost:7687"
ONTOLOGY_KINDS_HIERARCHY_PATH = "deeppavlov_kg/database/ontology_kinds_hierarchy.pickle"
ONTOLOGY_DATA_MODEL_PATH = "deeppavlov_kg/database/ontology_data_model.json"
DB_IDS_FILE_PATH = "deeppavlov_kg/database/db_ids.txt"
neo_kg = Neo4jKnowledgeGraph(
Clone the TerminusDB bootstrap repository and run the docker terminusdb-container inside. Now, your local database is ready on http://localhost:6363/ you can enter the dashboard using default username and password (admin, root), respectively. To connect to it using the API you do:
DB = "example_db"
TEAM ="admin"
terminus_kg = TerminusdbKnowledgeGraph(team=TEAM, db_name=DB, local=True)
Create an account on TerminusX cloud, select a team, and generate a personal access token in your profile page and save it somewhere on your disk. Then, export the token in bash as environment variable:
Now, connect to the database on the cloud like so:
terminus_kg = TerminusdbKnowledgeGraph(team=TEAM_FROM_CLOUD, db_name=DB)
Run mocking test to populate neo4j ontology and knowledge graph
docker-compose up
python deeppavlov_kg/mocks/ --neo4j
Run mocking test to populate neo4j ontology and knowledge graph
- Run local terminusdb docker first
- Run
python deeppavlov_kg/mocks/ --terminusdb
Use --neo4j and --terminusdb together to populate both in one run.
Or import mocks directly in your code
from deeppavlov_kg import Neo4jKnowledgeGraph, TerminusdbKnowledgeGraph, mocks
neo4j_graph = Neo4jKnowledgeGraph(
terminusdb_graph = TerminusdbKnowledgeGraph(team="admin", db_name="example_db", local=True)
# run all mocks