We make use of three real world e-commerce datasets.
- Datasets/Amazon-1
- Datasets/Amazon-2
- Datasets/Polyvore
Our algorithms are implemeted in C++ (g++ complier with version (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0), and data preprocessing has been done in python3 (with version 3.6.9).
To generate graph for each dataset csv, run the script.sh from the respective folder. And to generate real-value edge-weighted graph for each dataset csv, run the script_prob.sh from the respective folder.
For example, in case of Amazon-1 dataset:
$cd Datasets/Amazon-1
$bash script.sh
$bash script_prob.sh
The graphs in required format are stored in input_graph.txt for binary weighted edges, and input_graph_prob.txt for real-value weighted edges.
To run the code, execute the run.sh script
For example, in case of Amazon-1 dataset:
$bash run.sh
Enter Dataset File Path: ./Datasets/Amazon-1/input_graph.txt
Results are stored in result/result.csv
To get the results for real-value edge-weighted graph, execute run_prob.sh script.
For example, in case of Amazon-1 dataset:
$bash run_prob.sh
Enter Dataset File Path: ./Datasets/Amazon-1/input_graph_prob.txt
Results are stored in result/result.csv
Please cite our paper.
@article {
author = {Shubham Patil and Debopriyo Banerjee and Shamik Sural},
title = {A Graph Theoretic Approach for Multi-Objective Budget Constrained Capsule Wardrobe Recommendation},
booktitle = {ACM Transactions on Information Systems},
volume = {1},
number = {1},
pages = {1:1--1:33},
year = {2021}