Python script for inputing a movie or tv show's tmdb page number and a video file that outputs bbcode generated for an info page. The bbcode output is dumped to a txt file in the same folder as the script, using the title.
Important to edit this section of the script with your own info.
api_key = "<YOUR_TMDB_API_KEY>" # Replace with your actual TMDB API key
imgur_client_id = "<YOUR_IMGUR_CLIENT_ID>" # Replace with your actual Imgur client ID
imgur_client_secret = "<YOUR_IMGUR_CLIENT_SECRET>" # Replace with your actual Imgur client secret"
This requires mediainfo.exe, the CLI version, to run which can be grabbed separetly here: Put the .exe in the same folder as the script, along with template_mediainfo.txt before running the script
template_mediainfo.txt is used for formatting the output and can be adjusted to your liking.