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This repository contains additional MQTT templates for Reactor.


  1. Download the ZIP file from the releases.
  2. Save it under reactor/config/mqtt_templates. If the mqtt_templates directory does not exist, create it.
  3. If you prefer to have them in a directory, create one and unzip the files there. Reactor will search for templates in any ZIP or YAML file in this location.
  4. After copying the files, restart Reactor. A restart is required each time you update the files.

How to Update

To update from a previous version, delete all existing files. Then, follow the installation procedure again.


All templates support query/init commands, and their state will be updated at startup. The x_mqtt.poll action can be used to poll specific devices in reactions. The wifi_status capability is supported where information is provided.

Shelly Gen1

Shelly Gen1 templates are mature, and most device types are supported. This devices have a special x_shelly_gen1 capability, with update_firwmare command to issue firmware updates. A special firwmare_available (bool) attributes is provided.

Template ID Device Capabilities Parameters
shelly_hem Shelly Home Energy Meter (Shelly EM, Shelly 3EM) power_sensor, energy_sensor, voltage_sensor, current_sensor, power_factor_sensor, x_energy_sensor_exported, wifi_status topic, channel
shelly_relay_simple Shelly relay (simple version) switch, toggle, wifi_status topic, channel
shelly_relay_simple_reversed Shelly relay with reversed status (simple version) switch, toggle, wifi_status topic, channel
shelly_relay_power Shelly relay with power meter switch, toggle, power_sensor, energy_sensor, voltage_sensor, current_sensor, power_factor_sensor, wifi_status topic, channel
shelly_binary Shelly with detached inputs, mapped as binary sensor, wifi_status binary_sensor topic, channel
shelly_cover Shelly 2.5 in cover mode cover, position, power_switch, toggle, power_sensor, energy_sensor, wifi_status topic
shelly_dimmer Shelly dimmer dimming, power_switch, toggle, power_sensor, energy_sensor, wifi_status topic, channel
shelly_exttemperature Shelly with detached inputs, mapped as binary sensor binary_sensor, wifi_status topic, channel
shelly_exthumidity Shelly with external humidity sensor humidity_sensor, wifi_status topic, channel
shelly_scenecontroller Shelly as scene controller, use with detached inputs or to handle single, double, triple clicks, or long push button, scene_activation, wifi_status topic, channel
shelly_button1 Shelly Button 1 button, battery_power, battery_maintenance, wifi_status topic, channel
shelly_dw2 Shelly Door/Window 2 door_sensor, light_sensor, tilt_sensor, motion_sensor, battery_power, wifi_status topic
shelly_uni_adc Shelly UNI ADC value_sensor, wifi_status topic

Shelly Gen3

Shelly Gen3 templates are a work in progress. I currently have only a few of them.

Template ID Device Capabilities Parameters
shelly_relay_gen3 Shelly relay (simple version) switch, toggle, wifi_status topic, channel
shelly_relay_power_gen3 Shelly relay with power meter switch, toggle, power_sensor, energy_sensor, voltage_sensor, current_sensor, wifi_status topic, channel


Template ID Device Capabilities Parameters
tasmota_sensor_pressure Tasmota with pressure sensor value_sensor, wifi_status topic, source
tasmota_sensor_illuminance Tasmota with illuminance sensor light_sensor, wifi_status topic, source


Template ID Device Capabilities Parameters
fullykiosk Fully Kiosk. See additional configuration for info. string_sensor, binary_sensor, battery_power, battery_maintenance, dimming, wifi_status topic
owntracks_sensor OwnTracks Sensor with multiple information (position, current region, device battery). See additional configuration for info. string_sensor, binary_sensor, battery_power, battery_maintenance, location prefix, topic, homeRegionName, notHomeRegionName
prism_solar_charger, prism_solar_session Prism Solar EV Charger from Silla Industries. See additional configuration for info. ev_charger, power_switch, toggle, power_sensor, energy_sensor, voltage_sensor, current_sensor topic, channel
homekey_esp32 HomeKey-ESP32. See additional configuration for info. lock, tag, wifi_status auth_topic, state_topic, state_set_topic, lwt_topic


Let's say you want to map a Shelly HEM. In your reactor.yaml, under controllers:, search for mqtt, then config, and add:

  - id: mqtt
    name: MQTT
        # solar
          name: "Solar"
          uses_template: shelly_hem
          topic: "shelly-solar"
          channel: 0    

Where shelly-solar is the device name (configured in your Shelly as the MQTT topic) and channel is the index (Shelly HEM supports 2 clamps). Refer to the table above for other parameters.

Additional Configuration

Dual Switch Devices

Dual switch devices, such as Shelly 2 or 2.5, should be mapped using a separate device for each channel. Specify the channel parameters accordingly.

Scene Controllers

Many devices offer scene controller capabilities. Map a new device using shelly_scenecontroller as a template. Specify the channel parameters accordingly for multi-button devices (Shelly 2.5, i3, etc.).

Shelly Uni

Shelly Uni offers two inputs and two outputs. Map it using shelly_relay_simple (with channel as 0 or 1) and shelly_binary (with channel as 0 or 1). This results in four devices: two mapping the inputs and two mapping the outputs. For temperature/humidity sensors, map a new device using shelly_exttemperature or shelly_exthumidity, setting the appropriate channels. This typically results in 4-5 devices mapped, giving you full control over what is represented. Use shelly_uni_adc for ADC measurements.


This template creates a device with:

  • a string sensor for the current region
  • a binary sensor that's true when the user is at home
  • location info via location capability
  • battery info for the device (including percentage and charging status)

Refer to the OwnTracks documentation for more information on the topic structure.

Suppose your base topic for OwnTracks is owntracks/daniele/iPhone. In your reactor.yaml, under controllers:, search for mqtt, and then under config add:

        owntracks_daniele: #entity ID - must be unique
          name: "Daniele's Location" # friendly name
          prefix: "daniele"
          topic: "iPhone"
          uses_template: owntracks_sensor
          homeRegionName: "home"
          notHomeRegionName: "not_home"

Where prefix is the first part of the MQTT topic (daniele in this case) and topic is the last part, typically the device (iPhone). homeRegionName is the name of your home region and will be used to update the binary sensor. It's case insensitive. notHomeRegionName is the name of the region when not home. If omitted, it defaults to null.

If you have multiple devices to track, repeat the same configuration using a different entity ID.

Prism Solar

To fully support this EV Charger, map two devices:

        # prism
          name: "Prism"
          topic: "prism"
          channel: 1
          uses_template: prism_solar_charger

          name: "Prism: session info"
          topic: "prism"
          channel: 1
          uses_template: prism_solar_session

The first device will implement the charger and its commands. The second will show the information (power, current, and energy) for the current charging session. Channel is usually 1, unless you have a Prism Solar Duo. In that case, map multiple devices using prism_solar_charger as the base template. Neither poll nor LWT are supported by Prism Solar. Although night mode is supported via MQTT messages, it's better to create something with Reactor capabilities due to its cumbersome structure and cloud dependency.

Fully Kiosk

This device supports these capabilities:

  • binary sensor (for screen on/off)
  • dimming (for screen brightness)
  • battery level and charging status (plugged-in, battery power)
  • string_sensor (to show the current app)

Unfortunately, Fully Kiosk supports commands only via HTTP, so a virtual device is needed to send commands.


HomeKey-ESP32 is a cool project that gives you an HomeKey without a lock, in a pure DIY manner. See the previous link for info and instructions on how to build the hardware, the software and configure everything. The device will publish its state under MQTT.

The following attributes should be specified in the device configuragion under Reactor's MQTT section:

        # HomeKeys
          name: "HomeKey Front"
          uses_template: homekey_esp32
          auth_topic : "homekeys/front/auth"
          state_topic: "homekeys/front/state"
          state_set_topic: "homekeys/front/set_state"
          lwt_topic: homekey-front/status"

You'll get the default MQTT topics from the HomeKey-ESP32 web UI. My advice is to modify them in a similar way as in the example. I use the homekeys/%reader%/%event% because I have multiple readers and to stay consistent with my style, but anything is possible and the template will accomodate any style.

tag capability will have these attributes:

  • device_id: the reader ID (unique)
  • tag_id: the key ID (unique by home in Apple Home)
  • last_scanned: epoc for last scanned date/time
  • tag_type: HomeKey or NFC (for non HomeKey tags)
  • scan_count: always 1

The HomeKey is a lock under Apple Home, so the device in Reactor will offer you a lock capability, that it's intended to map the real lock/garage door under Apple Home. By default, the state will not be changed when the card is scanned and your logic will need to be written inside a rule. I have a rule that's setting lock.state based on the real lock/garage door under Reactor, and another one that's watching for tag.device_id, tag.tag_id, and tag.last_scanned to determine if the key is valid and the lock/garage door should be opened or not.


If you have MQTT payloads for Shelly Gen3 and want them covered, use the procedure outlined in Support to request a template.


  • 24265: Fixes for Shelly energy_sensor.
  • 24258: New template for HomeKey-ESP32. power_source capability for Fully Kiosk. Requires Reactor 24257.
  • 24210: Bug fixing. New templates for shelly_relay_power_gen3.
  • 24161: new x_shelly_gen1 capability, with update_firmware command.
  • 24153: Refactoring, removal of switchbot_switch template.
  • 24147: Fixes post 24146.
  • 24146: New features for MQTTController 24144, refactoring.
  • 24144: Added support for MQTTController 24144.
  • 24111: Requires MQTTController v24108. Bug fixes, support for wifi_status.
  • 23234: Shelly's Temperature and Humidity sensors report 999 as value if null. Added a filter to prevent incorrect readings. Added support for shelly_relay_simple_reversed and shelly_uni_adc.
  • 24002: New logic for online status with each update.
  • 22363: Fixes for prism_solar; owntracks_sensor now fully supports notHomeRegionName, better handling of region transitions.


Please post to the SmartHome Community and tag me (@therealdb).