with RVM (Ruby Version Manager) an Ruby1.9
1. git clone git://github.com/davidpgero/rvm_install_script.git
2. cd rvm_install_script
3. chmod +x rvm_install_script.sh
4. ./rvm_install_script.sh
After the last steps you can go for coffee. After the install you get the message about Ruby Version Manager, Ruby version is 1.9.2 and Rails3.0 are installed succesfully.
###How it's works?
1. install RVM and add it to .bashrc (this loads every time you start a shell)
2. install packages (readline, iconv, zlib, openssl, autoconf)
3. install Ruby 1.9.2 with above packages
4. Set Ruby 1.9.2 as default and create a basic Gemset
5. Installing Rails3.0
6. Testing the Ruby and Rails versions. If you get the 1.9.2. and 3.+ then it's work!
If there were any elder version and had problems:
- After install RVM and updating;
- Completely uninstall Ruby;
- Install all RVM packages before starting installing Ruby;
- Install all packages which for your OS
- Install Ruby with the needed and preinstaled RVM packages.
- Install Gemsets to avoid confusion with updates and gem versions Optional: If you are using elder Ruby you might need to install Rubygems too (not for 1.9.2, only elder versions).
- Install your gems, for example Rails, but important note: do not use 'sudo' as you would without using RVM. Check if everything works fine.
This script is made for Ubuntu users. Check your specific needs on your OS please.
$ git -v
If Git isn't installed yet: $ sudo apt-get install git-core curl $ sudo aptitude build-dep git-core
You don't have to use Joe Editor, I love it nut it's optional. Any other editor's fine like Gedit, Vi, Emacs, etc. If you want to install Joe then: $ sudo apt-get install joe
$ bash < <(curl -s https://rvm.beginrescueend.com/install/rvm)
At the end of of Bash Profile (on Ubuntu it's usually .bashrc file): $ joe .bashrc in the end of the file type: [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
NOTE: This is for a user install. If you installed as root then you substitute '$HOME/.rvm' with '/usr/local/rvm'. Save and exit. In joe editor: CTRL+K+X is save and exit Last command is for Joe, you need to save and exit in your editor.
Restart your terminal or type and reload RVM compiler: $ . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" $ rvm reload $ rvm get $ rvm reload
Note: If you already have Ruby and you had problems and want to completly reinstall it $ rvm remove ruby
$ rvm package install readline
$ rvm package install iconv
$ rvm package install zlib
$ rvm package install openssl
$ rvm package install autoconf
$ rvm install 1.9.2 --with-readline-dir=$rvm_path/usr --with-iconv-dir=$rvm_path/usr --with-zlib-dir=$rvm_path/usr --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local
Note: if you had problems with Rake "stack too deep" this may be a solution: $ rvm install 1.9.2-p0 --with-readline-dir=$rvm_path/usr --with-iconv-dir=$rvm_path/usr --with-zlib-dir=$rvm_path/usr --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local
Set the default Ruby to use. $ rvm use 1.9.2
Check if works: $ ruby -v $ rvm list
Use and set default Ruby interpreter: $ rvm use 1.9.2 --default
It overrides the system's default Ruby. Next time you open a terminal you don't need to specify which Ruby version you want because it set as default.
This prevents confusions with gems versions and updates. Important format: 'rvm' then your Ruby version from 'rvm list' and then your Gemset's name $ rvm gemset create YourProjectName Use this Gemset and set as default: $ rvm gemset use 1.9.2@YourProjectName --default
More info about Gemsets: http://beginrescueend.com/gemsets/basics/
###Step 7: Install Rails $ gem install rails
######Important: check if everything works fine $ rvm -v $ rvm list $ ruby -v $ rails -v $ gem list
Welcome on Rails!:) You may want to visit the famous 15minutes blog on RailsGuides. Finally choose your favorite Gems from http://ruby-toolbox.com/ and from Github.
Please report if you had any issue with the install script. Thanks.