Java code generator for Contentful that can cope with unions of types. Replaces Generator written by Contentful because it didn't work!
- git clone
- cd cfgen4j
- mvn clean install
- cd target
- java -jar cfgen4j-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -h
usage: cfgen4j [-h] -s [SPACEID] -p [PACKAGE] -f [FOLDER] -t [TOKEN] [-ec [EP_CORE]] [-eu [EP_UPLOAD]]
[-cf [CACHE_FILE]] [-v]
Inspects Contentful schema and generates Java classes ${version}
named arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s [SPACEID], --spaceid [SPACEID]
Contentful space id
-p [PACKAGE], --package [PACKAGE]
Java package name
-f [FOLDER], --folder [FOLDER]
Path to the package root
-t [TOKEN], --token [TOKEN]
Contentful app access token
-ec [EP_CORE], --ep-core [EP_CORE]
Change core endpoint
-eu [EP_UPLOAD], --ep-upload [EP_UPLOAD]
Change upload endpoint
-cf [CACHE_FILE], --cache-file [CACHE_FILE]
File to cache contentful net request
-v, --version Version
See for history and more.
Copyright (c) MIT Licence 2018 David Newcomb