- Task management system is a web application which is build for team project works where one can manage various task within team.
- Task management system is developed Spring Boot Application with Angular as a front-end framework.
- Task management system focuses mainly on handling document based projects. For example , a group of student decided to prepare number of speeches for a college event. Here this task management is very useful.
- “User” can be member of more than “Program” simultaneously. And one program can have any number of “User” member associated with it.
- This web application is very secure and robust. We have implemented JWT based Authentication technique in our application. The password is encrypted using public and private keys then is stored in database.
- Using Relation database MySQL is very easy to deploy on any server with best performance.
- JAVA 8
- Tomcat 9 server
- Eclipse (Java IDE)
- MySQL Database
- Node.js
- In Eclipse import the folder named "backend" with option "import existing maven project".
- Now build the maven project. It will install all the necessary dependencies from Internet.
- To setup database, install MySQL in your system. Make any database.
- Update the below three variables present in file application.properties present in resources folder
- For email services you need to use email via SMTP. For that you need to update application.properties below fields.
[email protected]
Read Google SMTP common issues
- Install Tomcat 9 and configure it with your project.
- Run the project from BackendApplication.java, it will automatically create all the tables in your database.
- Now execute roles.sql on your database.
- You should have node.js installed on your system.
- GOTO the path of frontend folder in comand-prompt and run
npm start
instead ofbecause i have configured different port number for frontend.ng serve
- Now your frontend will be hosted on http://localhost:8001 ,open this link in browser.(only for DEV)